Ok, so I got the go ahead from Keith over at Big Iron Vault to post up WIP's of this map of his world of "Lykarnia" that I am doing as a commission for their "World of Lykarnia" RPG.
I'm not going to post many up, just this and maybe the finished product when I get there.
If you want to see more images of the map as it progresses then Keith has been posting a few over on this thread of his forum - http://www.penandpapergames.com/foru...ad.php?t=14390

This image is not owned by me and is Copyright of Big Iron Vault so please, no copying.

Anyway... here's where I'm at so far with it:

Lykarnia 4.jpg

The general landmass shape and mountainous areas are based on the sketch that Keith sent me to work from.
The wonderful distressed paper background is from CM's distressed paper thread over in the mapping elements forum.