Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
That is really cool!! Beautiful maps too!
Thanks a lot Very fun to make, I'll have to sit down and actually draw out everything at some point.

Quote Originally Posted by Aval Penworth View Post
Now this sort of thing could be very sell-able! Inkjet print onto 11x14 art stock. On consignment at tourist shops? You'd probably need to make them a little less 'computery' though.

I saw tourists in Sausilito paying up to $350 for prints of hand drawn maps of the bay area.

In fact LOTR style maps of most tourist destinations would probably sell in tourist shops. England and New Zealand especially.
Never even thought of that. I live near Mendocino where I see people buying some hand drawn maps of the coast all the time too. I would probably sell them but the imagery is probably copyrighted by Turbine. I doubt they'd ever find out but I like Turbine so I'd probably just stick to selling anything I made fully.

Also just finished up Marin County this afternoon, I plan on eventually connecting all of these areas. Only Sonoma County left to connect Anderson Valley to the Bay Area
