ah yes, crayons for the dice.. ahhh.. fond memories. i was one of the only kids in my gaming group that had a full set of dice first. still ahve my red D20 with the chipped edges that rolled forever.

terrainmonkey.... so there's the Knights of the Dinner table. they call B.A. Screen monkey. at the time those comics came out i was running 4 games a week for 4 different groups at the local gaming store. everyone started calling me screenmonkey. then, the groups started getting into the Warhammer games from GW. i started making the scenery and maps for campaigns. at the store, everyone called it terrain, and since i was making everything from castles to ruins to forests, everyone started calling me terrainmonkey and the name sort of stuck. so, since then i've been called terrainmonkey, and there you go. i've been using that monicker for every forum i've joined, and for my MySpace page and so on...

anyway, there's your answer.