Looking at the colors, I think the seas should be a bit more blue and the land just a touch greener.

Actually, I probably will blue the seas up more, the land I will probably try to desaturate a bit. The thing is, the basic color on the land is just a neutral backdrop for variation. I'll add in warmer-colored deserts, greener swamps and forests, probably browner or grayer mountains with white glaciation and some sort of color variation for anthropogenic features like croplands and such.

I messed about with the Illustrator a bit more(when on a computer without ArcMap everything looks like a nail), The graticule should go pretty quick, but redoing the markers for all the cities will get to be a nightmare if the numbers get too high. I'm considering dropping ArcGIS out of the process. At least for the comp.

I'm also considering going back into Wilbur, breaking up the elevation map into smaller, higher res tiles and refining that a bit. I'd like something approaching Sorol ultimately. The question is wether that's worth doing during the comp or if I should save that for after and focus on the cartography.

I decided to post my Illustrator noodling as a WIP.

### Latest WIP ###