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Thread: Midgard, a fantasy state.

  1. #11


    Nope sorry. No Contours or Hachburing shading. I used a stupid elevation representation that I thought of myself before hearing of any others. One that only works with mountains really. I pick the peak and than I follow the high ridges down to the "ground" where the mountain "stops". Its a stupid methode and I would certainly use a different one If I would where to do this again. (Maybe I'll add rough contours after it's finished.)

    But the Height-lines I use (I need a better name for them, is there an official name for the methode I use?) will be parralell to the claciers, valley and mountain rivers. They could never intersect with the rivers because that would mean the rivers would stream upwards.

  2. #12
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    I'd call those 'ridge lines' And they are a perfectly reasonable way way to represent an aspect of elevation.

    And I don't think glaciers and rivers would really be moving 'parallel' to them so much as they would tend to bisect the angles between them (roughly)

  3. #13


    Yes, in my drawing they would sooner bisect the two ridge lines than move parallel to them, since my mountains aren't really well drawn and the ride lines aren't parallel to each other. The ridge lines tend to split and than move parallel to each other (in a fractal sort of matter) somehow in real life (I haven't figured out the way this happens exactly though). But that sort of detail would be going to far for the purpose of the maps realism, so I'll stick to my method and indeed bisect the ridge lines with the glacier.

    I actually learned allot about the formation of (i hope) realistic mountains during this project and I'll try and write up a tutorial after I am done. I am secretly starting to enjoy doing this.

  4. #14


    Right. It's almost finished. Any last remarks that anyone spots with a quick look?

    Layered Midgard18.jpg

    - Change the color of all the villages depending on their main export product.
    - Add the villages colors to the legend.

  5. #15


    I finished this:
    Final version

    I send it to the artist who is going to make this pretty. ^^

    Thanks for the support.

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