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Thread: Suggestions for future articles / features in the zine

  1. #11


    Wow, great advice. Thanks everyone for all your well-thought criticisms and concerns.

    I'm curious what you guys are speaking about when you mention "finding a center" for the zine. The main purpose is to put out a zine with well-written articles from each of the three sites that focus on these three creative aspects of fantasy role playing: Setting Design, Fiction and Plot Writing, and Cartography. Each quarterly will have a particular theme (such as the upcoming summer "Seafaring" issue), but other than that, what exactly do you mean by finding a "center" or "niche" for the zine?


    The Campaign Builders' Guild - Part of the Alliance of Creative Communities, the Campaign Builders' Guild is your home away from home while searching for tips, reviews, criticisms, helpful hints, and resources for building a wonderful campaign setting.

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  2. #12


    As I understood the matter, you hit it right on the head with setting a theme for an issue. Not everything needs to be related to the theme, but as long as that theme stands out in most of the work, it would feel unified.

    I suspect there might be another meaning behind it, though: Finding an area of design space that is not already oversaturated by other products. Personally, I think that a guidebook to content creation is a very nice niche to fill. There are plenty of system-specific zines producing "crunchy bits," but good resources for world creation are a bit less common.

    So it's my opinion that the zine is hitting a segment of the market that will welcome and value it. So long as word gets around that it's available, at any rate!
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  3. #13


    Quick question to everyone: Do you print out the zine or read it online?

    With regard to the zine 'finding a centre' I know what I mean, but would prefer to hear others explain their thoughts first lest I unintentionally influence points of view.

  4. #14
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    I read it online. Printing would cost $$$$$... Although if ever I liked a certain article I would probably save it to my computer, or perhaps print it out (but still doubtful).
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  5. #15

  6. #16


    I'm reading it on my screen for now. If I decide to use something in a game I'll print it out; I hate bringing a computer to the game table.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  7. #17
    Professional Artist Carnifex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    1. Did you find zine interesting to read?
    Many interesting articles. Personally I never read short stories in magazines. Don't know why.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    2. Do you think the zine is helpful in providing inspiration to adventure creation?
    Absolutely - and I'd like more of articles that directly inspire/help adventure creation.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    3. Are there any articles you would like to see in future issues? For example, we will be putting in a 'classifieds' page in future issues in which industry pros from all three guilds, and the illustrators who contribute to the making of the zine will be able to advertise. We are also considering a 'review' section where guild members will be able to post reviews of new games, books, software...anything of interest.
    Classifieds is a great idea. Review section is also a great idea.
    Maybe an encounter site with each issue - put together by the different sites/forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    4. What do you think of the look and feel of the zine?
    The large amount of stuff in the zine is impressive. I know how much work it takes to write all that stuff, proof read and layout. The front page looks good and this is important IMO.

    BUT - I do have some constructive critique. Maybe they are too harsh for a zine but I still wanted to comment as I have made countless magazines and broschures as a graphic designer/layout artist.

    1. The front page looks nice but the layout could use a major rework (basic layout, typography etc). It's straightforward and clean but somewhat hard to read and also quite boring. I have lots of ideas/critique on this matter for anyone interested. (I do think, however, that the layout may be sufficient for a zine)
    2. Some of the articles are too long. Cut text and fill out with interesting illustrations (maps, drawings etc). I think most people read the magazine on screen so long articles with lots of text is hard to read. The cramped typography doesn't help.
    3. New logo would help greatly.
    4. Who are the readers? In all media it's important to know who your recipient (spelling?) is. This should govern the style and content of the articles. Is it for members of the Alliance or the average role-player/DM? I'd guess that it's meant for the members (us) but that's just a guess.
    5. This one is not a major issue but the order of the articles in the zine seems a little bit random (although they appear in a democratic mixed order from each field). I would not have started with two pages filled with text - no matter how good the short story or adventure is.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravells View Post
    5. Any other thoughts?
    Nothing right now....
    Last edited by Carnifex; 03-06-2008 at 04:42 AM. Reason: Spell check

  8. #18
    Professional Artist Carnifex's Avatar
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    Suggestion for logotype:
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #19
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    Dood, I LOVE that font...whats it called??? I want it to have my babies.
    Fantaseum (

    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  10. #20
    Professional Artist Carnifex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcana View Post
    Dood, I LOVE that font...whats it called??? I want it to have my babies.
    It's not a font so it can't have your babies. I have written the text by hand... on white stuff (called paper) with a thing (called pen).

    No comments for my ideas regarding Fantaseum?
    Last edited by Carnifex; 03-06-2008 at 04:36 AM.

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