The scale should be the world, this map is for the cover of the book so it needs to give the setting of the universe : Heroic Fantasy, with elves, dwarfs etc and magic.

The names are all ready in a file (and neatly bunched up).

There is 3 majors kingdom and 34 minors ones (not a problem to ignore mapping some since they're minor and just mentionned) aside the minor country of Tijurn where the story begins (need to be seen).

The landscape near this village needs : Wide empty space, forest (where elves lives), a small place for dwarves (mountain) Something like an alpine forest would do near this one village. The capital should show some modesty in regards of the 3 major kingdom's one and be on the direct east to the major kingdom of Aeries.

The rest hum, I havent wrote much about it so well, I guess there's sea (so there can be fishermen in the small kingdom) and I need some bridge between the village and the alpine forest... A river would be great for exemple.

I guess that is how I see it for now.... what should I describe more to imagine a great map ? I don't quite know...