Quote Originally Posted by TheRedEpic View Post
Aegeri- Thanks for the offer but right now i'm just doing the maps and writing a few sentences about each to give the player a feel for the map I have never written and adventure and surprisingly rarely play DnD. I think it would be pretty cool to put out micro- adventures for DnD with me doing the maps and art, and somebody else writing up the info and organizing it into PDF's or something. Thats a ways down the road though, right now i'm just trying to get these things done for Gen Con!
Actually that wasn't what I was thinking with my comment - it was more to myself than anything else as I had just statted out 4E Perytons for my recent adventure. Now that you bring this idea up though, if you need a dood (EG me) to help you write some 4E adventures you just let me know and I will *definitely* help. The kinds of encounters I could write with cartography as amazing as yours would be worth the time and effort alone.