I know its awhile, but I only just found this post.

For the rectangular files from FWE the settings which worked on my machine are;

Per Sample setting was 4 byte LSB First (Intel)
Line Width = 4x File width (ie for the 2880x1440 "globe") Line Width = 2880*4=11520 File Data Width = File Width (ie for this example 2880 samples) File Data Heigth = File Height (ie for this example 1440 samples) Map Edges were set: Top 90, Left -180, Right 180, Bottom -90

The 2880 x 1440 is the largest file FWE generates so it takes some time, but with the above it came into FT without a problem. You need the large file though as the resulting image can be quite pixelated. I successfully saved the file as an FTW file and managed an export to CC2. Some work would need to be done on the CC2 image as the resulting map is made up entirely of straight lines. The settings though cannot be saved as an srf file (no surprise there really as no settings are changed via this method)

On the whole though if you can clean up the CC2 files this is workable.

CC2/3 does not like to change too many lines from straight to curved though at one time. I crashed CC2/3 several times doing this.
