Quote Originally Posted by Jaxilon View Post
I have stayed away from pre-made brushes unless I made them myself because I want to continue to develop as an artist. Starting out I really struggled with matching up my scanned sketch with portions I created within Gimp. I think I am doing much better after a year and a half but what I find is that I pretty much always go back over whatever I create within Gimp, touching it up by hand. That seems to bridge the gap. More time? Sure. Worth it? I think so.
Yea... that's kind of what I meant... I would create my own set of brushes(mainly mountains) for a quick "drop" and then go back over the resulting mountains and spend an hour or two blending. That's one of the BIG things I think GIMP has over PS is it's ability to save brushes in Color(at least concerning functionality alone). For me, that one feature(not to mention the hundreds of dollars I don't have to spend on PS) makes GIMP perfect for me...