Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
As to the mountains, you'll have to hand-draw them. Start by drawing a ridge-line for the full mountain chain then add some offshoot ridge-lines but not too many. On a new layer shade the on either side of the line to create the slope. Last, go back and delete the layer with the ridge-line. Now this just applies to the particular old map that you showed. Most folks like to leave the ridge-line in and I believe that there are 2 or 3 tutorials for drawing like this but you'll have to poke around to be sure.
Thanks. I actually tried something like that originally, but it kind of flopped, though I think I've found a better way to do it now using various effects for the shading.

As for the other suggestions, I fixed up the names so that they weren't so pixelated, blurred and used the spread effect on nation borders, changed a couple of names (I had forgotten to change "The Land Without Laws" to "Lawless Country," as I had in the lore for this world), added states to the Confederation of Sovereign States, fixed the title to be more in line with real world maps (I'm eventually going to add some flourishes as well, I think), made a border based on Arsheesh's "Map Borders in GIMP" tutorial, added latitude and longitude lines that match up with the actual placement of the world, and did some bleeding ink effects.

After I've fixed the mountains, I'm going to add some cities, make the neatline segments line up with the latitude and longitude lines, as they do in many real maps, and some other miscellaneous changes.
