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Thread: Your Job...

  1. #21


    I'm a lawyer, specialising in employment in the civil Aviation and commercial shipping sectors.

  2. #22
    Guild Novice theskyfullofdust's Avatar
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    I work as a senior administrator for a university in the UK; but I consider myself a writer and have written numerous short stories, novels and so forth. Not quite published yet (other than a few in magazines), but I did self-publish a couple of short story collections (viewble here).

    Been rpging for well over 20 years now, mostly D&D in various incarnations, and after a long break I am playing again. Building my own world to play in and recently started designing the maps for it, and discovered that I enjoy it immensely.

  3. #23


    Is it my turn now? Ugh..

    I don't have a glamorous job, but it pays the bills. I'm a jailer/detention officer/glorified adult babysitter. Well, actually I supervise the people supervising the inmates, but it's a rather blurry line, really. I get to listen people yell and scream threats at me all night. And then there are the bad guys...

    I've actually only been into RPGs for about six or seven years now (I'm 34), so most of the things that are old and chiche to you oldtimers still fill me with awe and inspiration.

    I love to able to create--to have a blank canvas and be able to put something on it, be it a map, a story, or whatever. My goal now is to create my own world, as it seems most of you have already done so many years ago. I'm hoping to glom some ideas and inspiration from this site, along with a fair bit a knowledge as well. It's a great community you've got going here, and I hope to eventually be able to contribute to it.

    Thanks for having me.

  4. #24
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Been away from these boards for a while but this seems like a good place to say hi again.

    I'm 27 and I'm a particle physicist working on the theory of dark matter and how we can identify it when we create it for the first time on Earth (hopefully) at CERN on the Swiss/French border when it turns on this summer. My job has taken me to Poland - my current base - and in September I'm heading off to work at NYU in Manhattan for a year.

    My other job is as a painter/decorator/tiler/general handy man that I do for various rash members of my family and their friends who buy houses that are falling down and need work done on them.

  5. #25
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Well I guess the prize for most interesting job is now taken. The rest of us are now going to have to battle it out for the "Sparkling personality award".

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  6. #26
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    It's good fun, even though the day to day stuff is mostly coding and maths calculations. Every now and then they let theorists like me go and look at the machine and go oooh and aah, as long as we don't touch anything Probably best described by xkcd.

    I'm just amazed there are so many people involved with the military on here!

  7. #27
    Guild Member
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    Hehe, nice comic.

    I'm just a SAHM, although son is old enough to get a job now, if he'd find one. Lots of time for RPG stuff and other things ) I'm 38 and have been RPGing since a long time.

  8. #28
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
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    Well, where do I start... there was a time long ago when i once ruled this fine ball of earth and water... People used to grovel at my feet and sacrifice their first born in my name. Those were the days. One day, a small farmers son vowed revenge after i may have accidentally set his home on fire... or maybe it was killing his father and raping his mother... it was a long time ago, my memory was foggy. Still he was a simple serf, so i paid it no heed... until he preformed a ritual of banishment that locked my soul away for thousands of years. I'm back now, and on the way to regaining my former glory. but until then... in my spare time...

    i'm 25, having gone to school for computer programming, and geomatics technician, and i'm currently completing a course in GIS application specialist.

    I've been working with GIS for a long time, and roleplaying even longer... In my highschool days i worked with ESRI (big gis company) and created a web application to display some soil sampling done in my home town. Presented it at their user conference in canada in 2001 and was published in arcnorth news. From there i went to a few schools, right now i'm in Sir Sandford Fleming, a great school for gis, even if its in the middle of nowhere in central ontario... Currently we're working on creating a custom application for asset management as a coop project, due to recent legislation here that will require canadian gov't to keep track of their assets and their cost for upkeep... For this project i'm working with ESRI, developing a set of tools for such organizations to use to track such data.

    In a roleplaying sense i've been playing dnd since i was a kid, and in the last few years i have found dnd to be a bit to restricting and vague for me, and have switched to several different systems, but finally restin on High Adventure Roleplaying (HARP) made by Iron Crown Enterprizes.. its a d100 system thats a bit more robust in my sense... and suits my needs for now.

    i'm also working on creating a site in my spare time to create an online collaborative realm, a place for users to come and share their ideas for use in any roleplaying system...


    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

  9. #29


    Now this is one mature forum, heaven yeah.

    I don't know you guys personally, but just reading this thread somehow makes me like you.

    As for my job, I... uhm... I'm a waiter. Or rather, used to be. Working at a hotel restaurant, they call us when necessary, currently I'm looking for another job. I need it to finance my studies, I study @ Bonn University with "English language and medieval literature" (focus on Language/Linguistics) being my major.

    My mapping experience is highest and most evolved *cough* when I'm allowed to use pencil and paper. I have access to Photoshop CS etc, but in comparison with many of you I'm like an assistant scientist looking at "the mother of all formulas", saying: So what can we do with that?


  10. #30
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    I wanted to drop in and show ya what I've been working on thats been keeping me from mapping lately...Its one of several projects, this is only the latest, but since it taps into my art vein, its keeping my mind from mapping.

    I'm putting it in the job thread because its not related to anything on this site except for my job...

    This is an F-18 E cockpit...the superhornet...Its medium fidelity medium polycount...(5700 polygons) I have a budget of 7000 polygons for the cockpit. There will be an external view version and an internal view will be mostlly functional and animated accordingly for use in our simulator and viewed via Virtual Reality goggles...also referred to by me at work as "the coolest part of my job"

    The gray pics without the canopy show the inside better, but they're earlier in the modelling process...the ones with the canopy are the latest, and a lot of the external detail will only be visible in the external view (as if looking at your wingman while flying).
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    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

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