Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
a good ability is to be able to "finish" the map and walk away - that being said when the map is ones own one might have a thousand little details that should be just so... we've all been there to some degree, in maps, art, projects, essays, novels etc. etc. ... if you want to battle it - set yourself a deadline (preferably publicly) - it can also help to post the map in here as you work so you have several eyes on the quality (and who can tell you its done)
Alas I do have it in here. Not much commenting. Perhaps holiday rushing around?

The thing is, I don't want to rush it. I'm using tuts, youtube ideas, my own experimentation. I just need to step back and relax over it rather than trying to get too much done at once. I think, like anything else, I need to cut it off x number of hours before bedtime, so I can process other things.