Those render layers were bugging me so I went back and restarted the whole map, changing the noise and difference, and now built up the 'basic map' so far, and added some placeholder labels to make it easier to understand. My next step is to remove the placeholders and build up the map elements, mountains, forest etc. My original plan was to make a handdrawn-looking map but we'll see how those elements look against the map texture.
@xequar - thanks! yeah, the 'hidden coastline' is definately a suggested feature but i'm going to leave that for GM's to play around with if they want - the same goes for the 'Terra Incognita' and further down from the southern continent.

@MHAlthauser - cheers, i know what you mean so i've tried to give the landmasses some shading to differentiate (and the placeholder labels), but am considering whether to start doing a light water-colour type paint over the different areas. This comment started me looking at the map in negative and i thought the centrl strait between the two continents would make an awesome landbrige. hmmm...

Thanks for the support!