Quote Originally Posted by Jacktannery View Post
Looks good jt. I have a few comments you can ignore if you like.

-Lyandra is not talking about your two-stage shadows, she is highlighting an error to the immediate N and E of the NE tower and E of the E tower.
-your tree in the south of the keep looks as though it is a large area of chemical warfare fallout due to its extremely green oversaturated colour. Maybe darken it to look like the trees in the forest.
-scale issues: there are some scale issues: the hay texture compared to the bales of hay; the battlement crenellations compared to the horses. For example, each individual slate tile on your keep roof is the size of a horse; the planks covering the stables are each about two-hundred-feet long and twenty-feet wide. I'm not sure if you can be bothered to change this - but it creates an illusion whereby the horses look like miniature lego horses set out inside a normal-sized castle.
Ah yes my old enemy strikes again... Damn you SCALE !!!!..... As I usually do I was too busy telling a story and making sure that there were bits of weeds here and some hay there and a box or a tub or a stack of hale bales to "fill it all in" to worry about the size of all these things. The shadows were just plain awful and the whole thing was a bit of a mess. SO in the spirit of "No Map is EVER Finished" I present The Wolves Fall Castle WIP Version 3. I actually took some time to figure out the dimensions of the objects that I am using (not to mention the castle itself) and HOPEFULLY they will all look right to each other. This is the list that I came up with:

Castle 450 feet square
Castle walls 30 feet high
Keep 50 feet high 100 feet wide
Stables 250 feet /2 = 125 feet Long Each
Main Hall 100 Feet x 50 feet
Smithy 75 Feet Long
Horse (Draft) 8 feet long
Horse (War) 7 feet Long
Crate 3 feet square
Barrel 2 feet diameter
Anvil 3 feet
Tree 8 feet across
Quenching tub 4 feet
Keep Roof 60 feet across
Hay Bales 4 feet long X 14" wide
Shingles 1 foot x 2 feet
Smith, Stable roof planks 2 feet wide x 20 feet long

All of this is based on internet research (and some common sense) I have created a grid that will allow me to size all of this correctly (finally) Using the castle wall dimensions of 450 feet as the reference point. This re work will also allow me to build in some new features that I should have included in the first version such as the two extra towers for the barbican. I really want to thank everyone for all the feedback it has been very helpful and with it I hope now to make a better more realistically scaled version.

New Wolves Fall Castle.jpg