Quote Originally Posted by Simon33600 View Post
Fair enough...
I choose the name "Golden Elk" as a homage on the real "Golden Hind" before starting to work on the map.
I was about halfway through the map when I stumbled on various figure heads on the Dundjinni forums, all too good to pass on... (you'll notice the first picture i posted did not have a figure head, it is because I had not found it yet...).

I do not think I gave my players the name of the ship yet. All that they know is that they were hired to stop a pirate from preying on the water around Waterdeep and that a trader in Luskan (a city known for haroburing pirates) have recently sold quite a few Waterdhavian goods...
I can still change the name of the ship into something mentioning Dragon. On the other hands... I may keep it (the ship my players are sailling with is called the "pantless dragonfly" on none of them even asked why...).
Either way it's a great map and a great platform for adventure. And you HAVE to do a map of the "Pantless Dragonfly" that is the BEST name for a ship I have EVER heard....