Quote Originally Posted by anomiecoalition View Post
This is shaping up really nicely...I'm thinking it might be worth trying to mess with the coastline a bit (rather, the water part of it...to illustrate shallower and deeper parts of the river...i only mention it because you've already started to add dirt to the river edge and messing with the water might look nice.)
Thanks. And thanks for the suggestion. I've applied it and I like the results.

I think I might be "done" with this. Thanks to Larb's great tut (I really can't recommend it enough to anyone that might be thinking about creating a town or village or even large city !!) I now have a very nice map of the Town of Southrun. As you can see I finished the labeling and added my "standard" black border. I really had fun with this and I think this will be the style for all of the town maps in Shendenflar. As always feedback is requested and appreciated.
