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Thread: Januar 2013 entry: Chapel Of The Holy Rose

  1. #11
    Guild Adept Troedel's Avatar
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    Ohne Worte...

  2. #12
    Guild Journeyer Freehand 5.5's Avatar
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    Vielen Dank!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxilon View Post
    So do you write it and then go back over the edges with a fine point or something? It looks almost watercolor in the middle of the letters and darkened on the edges. I really love that.
    The only letter I outlined to get it more accent was the first one and the lower tips of the first word. The others were written in nothing but strokes with broad metal feathers. When drying, the pigments of the colour have a tendency to collect at the edges. It's a physical thing. If you drop a waterdrop somewhere and let it dry undisturbed, the contents of the drop will collect a bit more at the rim. Don't ask me why exactly, but I think it is because the drop of water is shaped like a dome and 'grabs' with adhesive power to its rim.

  3. #13
    Guild Journeyer Freehand 5.5's Avatar
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    Die Geschichte von Johannes (English version below)

    Der Steinmetz Gregor Walberg lebte glücklich und zufrieden im schönen Rastatt als er im Jahre 1073 mit 35 Jahren seine Frau und im darauffolgenden Jahr alle drei Söhne an ein böses Fieber verlor.
    Daraufhhin entschied er sich, ins Kloster der heiligen Rose im Wald nahe Rastatt zu gehen. Nachdem er drei Jahre dort gedient hatte, wurde er als Mönch aufgenommen und änderte seinen Namen in Johannes.
    Doch das karge Klosterleben gab seiner Seele keine Ruhe. Zu lebendig blieb der Gedanke an den Tod seiner liebsten, was ihn nach und nach in den Wahnsinn trieb. Er verließ das Kloster und wanderte durch die Wälder bis er eine geegnete Stelle fand, um eine Kapelle zu errichten. In harter und entbehrungsreicher Arbeit hämmerte er kunstfertig Steinblöcke aus den dortigen Sandsteinfelsen und baute im Lauf vieler Jahre zu Ehren seiner Familie die Kapelle der Heiligen Rose, während er als Einsiedler in einer kargen Hütte hauste. Johannes war der Meinung, dass er sich endlich vom Gram über den Tod lösen konnte, wenn er die Kapelle fertig gebaut hätte.
    Kurz vor Fertigstellung der Kapelle, im Jahre 1087, gab es aber ein garstiges Unwetter mit furchtbarem Sturm, bei dem eine große Linde umgerissen wurde und auf den Turm der Kapelle fiel. Der Turm wurde beschädigt und die halbe Wand stürzte zusammen mit dem Baum in das Dach der Kapelle. Dort wurde Johannes von herabfallenden Trümmern erschlagen und durch ein Bruch im Boden mit in den Keller gerissen.
    Seither spukt seine ruhelose Seele im Keller der Kapelle, um Besucher der Ruine davon zu überzeugen, die Kapelle fertig zu stellen. Da der Geist aber nicht gehört wird, verstehen die Menschen ihn nicht und fliehen nur in Angst vor der Spukgestalt.
    Heute, im Jahre 1111, ist die Kapelle überwuchert von Wildrosen. Die Linde ist längst verrottet und die Knochen von Waldtieren fortgetragen.
    Johannes wird erst Ruhe finden, wenn die Kapelle fertig gestellt oder vollständig zerstört wird.

    The history of Johannes (please excuse my poor English)

    The stonemason Gregor Walberg lived a happy and content life in the beautiful city of Rastatt. In the year of 1073, when he was at the age of 35, he lost his wife and the year after all of his three sons to a bad fever.
    After that he decided to go to the monastery of the Holy Rose in the woods near Rastatt. He served for three years, was finally admitted as a monk and changed his name to Johannes.
    But the stinted life in the monastery gave his unrest no fulfillment. The thoughts of the death of his beloved ones drove him more and more into madness. So he left the monastery and wandered through the forests until he found a suited place to build a chapel. In hard work he hammered blocks of sandstone from the nearby rocks and built in the course of many years the chapel of the Holy Rose in tribute to his faded family. In all those years he lived as a hermit in a small hut. Johannes was sure he would be able to forget the pain and make peace with the death of his family if he completes the chapel.
    But in 1087, shortly before he finishes the tower of the chapel there was a horrible tempest which knocked over a big linden tree. It fell onto the tower and demolished it. Debris fell through the roof of the chapel and stroked Johannes to death. His body fell through the shattered stone floor into the cellar.
    Since that day the ghost of Johannes haunts the cellar of the chapel and approaches every visitor in order to convince him to finish the work on the destroyed building. Because no one can hear the ghost, they don't understand his wish and flee in terror of the wraith.
    Today, in the year 1111, the chapel is overgrown by wild roses. The linden tree has rotted away and the bones were carried away by wild animals.
    Johannes will find peace if someone finishes the ruined chapel or destroyes it completely.

    And here's a photo of the finished page.

    ### LATEST WIP ###
    Last edited by Freehand 5.5; 01-27-2013 at 05:44 AM.

  4. #14
    Guild Adept AntonioFrade's Avatar
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    Great history and great map too. i look foward your future maps.

  5. #15

  6. #16
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    If I just saw the map by itself I wouldn't look twice at it, but as a total package this is Excellent! The Artwork & Caligraphy is great!

  7. #17
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected RjBeals's Avatar
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    This is amazing. Most likely has my vote. I really love all you real artists out there who use traditional tools. And the calligraphy is amazing.

  8. #18
    Guild Journeyer Freehand 5.5's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot to all of you, guys.

  9. #19
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected Pryme8's Avatar
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    I know what I am voting for!

    Amazing job dude, it has so many elements I cant even begin to explain the aesthetic attraction I have to this.

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