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Thread: New Cartographer with a singular purpose

  1. #1

    Default New Cartographer with a singular purpose

    Hi everyone.

    I'm here because my wife is writing a young adult novel about magic, kingdoms, and gods. She wants a map, and as a professional graphic designer, I thought it'd be fun to help make that happen. I have a passing familiarity with how geography works, and a great deal of skill with graphics, but nothing else really.

    So I went to the Internet! And through Reddit's r/worldbuilding, I found this place. I'm looking forward to reading all the the Mapping Resources stickies, in particular, starting with anything useful in Adobe Illustrator.

    As to me, I have a graphic/web design company called Impulse Nine Media, I help run another group that uses vBulletin called Team Interrobang, and I like post-rock music. And design, obviously.

  2. #2
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Montreal, Canada


    Well, Firstly let me say Welcome to the Guild, The Mappiest Place on the Web and secondly to let you know that if you are familiar with the Adobe suite of graphic tools, then there is no better place to get your skills translated into mapping greatness than the Tutorials forum. There are oodles of Photoshop tuts and I believe that there are some that also use Illustrator as well. Have fun and see you in the WIPS
    Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.

    Please take my critiques as someone who Wishes he had the Talent

  3. #3


    Welcome to the Guild Impulsenine. I agree with Korash, sounds like you already have the tools and the expertise to create lovely maps, but perhaps are just casting about for a bit of inspiration. Well I'd recommend browsing the finished maps section to get a taste of the various styles of fantasy maps and perhaps to give your wife some styles to choose from. Even if you are skilled in Adobe Sweet the tutorials section is worth checking out since you might pick up a few tricks you didn't know previously, or at least see how to apply what you already know in a new context. Best of wishes on your project, and please post up your work for us to see.


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