The corners are too dark on your frame (they should join seamlessly at the same height, not have an overlap with drop shadow, but you can put a shady line at the joint to make it appear as though they're not quite touching if you want it to look poorly made), and the repetition of the pattern bothers me a bit, you could also bump the lighting up on the inside edges some to appear more forward than the black matte. I would add a subtle texture to the black matte... a lighter texture (maybe set to overlay or linear dodge and low opacity) just so that the lighting matches the frame better (as if the same light is hitting it). My current commission map has a frame around it too.

For the map info stuff, I might be tempted to put a neat line border around each chunk (top right, bottom left, and bottom right not including the circle, and maybe the title too) and perhaps add a low opacity white fill inside them to give them a little more polish. But that's me.