Lingon - Thanks! Yeah, hopefully I can find what I'm looking for with the icons. Tea? No,'s all about the coffee!

AleksiHietanen - Thanks very much! Once the actual continent is finished, I'll start playing around with the ocean colour. Also, the rivers are just placeholders right now. Once the terrain is completely finished, those will be completely redrawn and recoloured. I've found some tree brushes that might look better. I'll give them a whirl and try to get some more diversity in size!

The river police found me?! Eeek!! *hangs head in shame* Okay, but seriously...I've never done rivers before (and I'm fairly clueless about that) so if you guys could point out exactly where I've gone wrong with that, I'd really appreciate it. I want to make sure I don't have any glaring mistakes before I start the final redraw.