Okay, so I haven't said anything, cause your map is so very impressive, at first glance, and even after, that I want to say all good things. But it *irritates* me... small things... even though I like it a lot. And you're talented, and give the impression you really want to improve, and you won't improve if no one points stuff out, so even though I'm not supposed to (according to my therapist) tell people what I really think, I'm going to, anyway. I don't mean any offense.. I only say ANYTHNG when I think the map/artist/cartographer/whatever is worth the effort, so please take it as a compliment... I REALLY like your map.

And I am probably going to get boo-ed for this but...

Well, to be honest, this map is simply too good to have the mistakes it has. On a mediocre image, they'd be irrelevant, but on one this good, I find them intolerable. So I'm going to nitpick.

You obviously have a fantastic eye for color and tone, so I know you will see what I see when I point it out, no matter how badly I explain it (and I'm BAD at explaining what I mean).

First, the sea/ocean. I didn't like the tattered edge at all, but the "patches" you put in to fix it don't match, and look totally digital. The scratch/rip near the center (west) could be explained away with magic rifts or caribean sea aspects, but the ones in the corner can't.

Second: The MAP is fine. The map elements are all off centeer.... and all in slightly different directions. It makes it feel like ... I can't explain it, but I think that's why you're getting so much back and forth about the title and the compass... they're pulling in opposite directions.

If you haven't got them on the same layer (or merged to the map D: ) I should think you could fix it easily by angling the title toward the compass slightly.

(And the compass doesn't look like it's resting on the map. In addition to a shadow, I should think a glimpse of the *drawn* compass your *real* compass is resting on would help it. Why do you need the drawn compass? Because of the (rhumb? is that the term?) lines shooting out of it. They wouldn't just (unless magically) appear when you set a compass on the map. And although I like the magic appearing lines idea, I believe you said you goal was to make it look as 3D as possible, and magic lines won't achieve that.)

Most of this map is REALLY impressive... you do have a great eye for color... especially, like, where your mountains fade *into* the hills. And your ocean looks great. So I couldn't figure out why your lakes look, not only flat, but as if they are seen from a different point of view. It's something about the edges of the lake... it looks way too digital. You know how to blend the colors... You know how to paint depth... So just make the ground slope down into the water.

The next thing is (and you know this one) the Volcano. It looks really good... but it looks like you pulled it off a different map and placed it on this one.

Everything else... all the coloring and shading... it looks..... colored pencils and soft paints. The lava looks like you colored it with markers. (Does that make any sense?)

Also... lava burns quite a ways out, but it also cools as it does, and blackens ... I should think darkening the lava further out would help.

And just like water, it's not going to *climb* or *jump over* a hill.... it's simply not flowing naturally.

Your roads... I don't see much problem with where they run, but they don't fit the map at all. "Fire's journey" does. The main roads do not.

Neither do the dots that represent the cities/towns.

Your rivers, regardless of where they choose to run, start too wide, and end too narrow.

I also don't understand the placement of your... idk what they are called... mini-compasses?... You have one half under an island, and given that their purpose is (i believe) navigation at sea, that doesn't seem very useful.

Finally, you've very carefully shaded each object, and it would look just perfect if these obviously 3D objects actually cast some sort of shadow... not black shadows, like less realistic maps, but the same way you did the shadows within the objects themselves would be great.

And I say all of this only 1) as one person's rather opinionated opinion and 2) because I think this really good map could be something GREAT.

Feel free to yell at me/ignore me/whatever.

