Glad I could help with something!
Now answering you back.
2. I think the roads are the ones that need rework, the way they are now doen'st quite match the quality of the map, they are blurry and sometimes even squared!
4. You have to search for some yourself, I would go with a sans serif, but since its my taste, follow your hearth! I would go with a Dominion, Caslon, etc.
5. I think the texture are better now, don't worry about "stealing", when I began mapping I had the same concern as you, trying to do everything by myself. Altough it's rewarding, sometimes a nice free vector, texture, font and stuff can turn an apparently boring map into something real nice! The thing is to work with the tools and what you got and can get!

This week I read a great quote from a map the resumes everything about art.
"Originality is undetected plagiarism." - William Ralph Inge

Keep up the good work!