Quote Originally Posted by madcowchef View Post
Beautiful map. Some projects are gripping enough that we keep coming back to them, other ones we are loath to drop just because we've already invested so much time in them. I can't tell you which sort this is, but either way looking at this map I suspect you've learned a lot in the process and it bore some lovely fruit. I don't think k anyone can look at those mountains and not be tempted to give the style a try for themselves.
Thanks MCC. You are absolutely right about how some projects never really end.

Quote Originally Posted by Lingon View Post
Agreed It's fantastic. The mountains are amazing. I'm usually not a fan of caterpillars, but for some reason, I love these. As MCC says, it's very tempting to try the style. And I have to say, I'm impressed by the hand-drawn graticule; that is NOT easy!

Like yourself, I think the labeling needs more work. It feels too digital to me. How would it look if you just removed the dark glow and changed the text color to a dark grey? Maybe add a small noisy blur as well, to make it fit with the pencil lines better. I would add that to the city dots as well, and shrink them and lower their opacity, so they are not so strong against the softer original drawing. And lastly, am I correct that the paper is a texture you added digitally? If so, I think one that doesn't have the orange blobs would be better, they are a bit distracting in the otherwise monochrome drawing. I like that the paper is mainly grey though, rather than yellow-ish. Grey is underrated
Thanks Lingon. I made the map before I had ever heard of Photoshop. Nowadays, I would definitely not try and too graticules by hand. Regarding the text, I'll try what you suggested, but I did have it as a semi-opaque black previously, and I thought the text just became too hard to see. In terms of texture, I did add one (with the blobs) but the grey is from the original paper drawing, which had aged over the years of neglect.

Quote Originally Posted by Freodin View Post
You open the file, see the coastlines and the rivers and the cartouche and the, oh my! the mountains, and it is all so awesomely amazingly gorgeously grandiose!

And yeah, the labels could use a little more work. As could the settlement "icons".

Do it! And if it takes another few weeks! This map really deserves it!
Thanks Freodin. The labels and city icons appear to be the main problems, then.

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Excellent map and gorgeous mountains! I'm not convinced with the labels, the "dropped shadow" is not fitting with the rest of the map, or is too strong imho.
Thanks Ilanthar. Another vote for redoing the labels, it seems.