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Thread: World map for a series of novels.

  1. #1

    Help World map for a series of novels.

    Please help, i have a post in the intro section but i just found this thread so i shall pop one here too. I have been searching for a large world map for a long time but nothing fits what i want execpt for the ansalon map from dragonlance due to the lay out and structure of the map, but i know i cant use it in legal terms if publication were to happen (am now only writing the books for my two sons to read so the designer of the map would be still be in ownership of the rights to the map). I therefore would ask if anyone with the skill to please design or build a world map for me to use based on the principle of the ansalon map or could help me make one matching the same scale and principles of the ansalon map but not being the same map (if that makes sense). here is a link to the map I am speaking of World Map - Ansalon Campaign.
    Last edited by Hangran; 03-09-2013 at 06:08 AM. Reason: Re think.

  2. #2
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    You are going to need to provide details: How big, how detailed, what style, what kind of compensation, who will hold the copyright, what rights the copyright holder will license to the other party, what time frame?

    The sticky thread goes into more detail.

  3. #3
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    It would also help if you provide an image link to the specific map style you're interested in.
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  4. #4


    I have read the post for requesting a map and re written my original post to comply, sorry about the first attmpt at a post but I didn't see the read me so I just guessed what I needed to write.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    that style map is very particular to D&D (rob lazzaretti, I believe?) I'd be careful, especially if youre looking for something very similar to that style

  6. #6
    Professional Artist Cunning Cartographer's Avatar
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    If it's not a DL/D&D Map and is an original creation but in the style of a D&D map/someone elses work then there's no problem as you can't copyright a style of drawing (manga/Marvel would be considered "styles" as they have their own rules on how to mimic that style).

  7. #7


    I've been looking for the same thing. But I was also looking for the battle maps that go with it.

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