Well, Naima, I was kinda of curious to see what you would come up to, after a couple of weeks of obvious research and time investment. Not a bad outcome at all. I didn't spend much time trying to resolve your tectonics (that's your job, isn't it ). But I could see some obvious marks - here's what I think:

A and B parts of the main north central continent are splitting - you said it you wanted that as well, and it's pretty clear.
Under A, there is a continent with a northern mountain range - it could be a north moving continent, "eating up" the sea between it and A.
South of letter B you have a clear ocean region, with island chains to the west and the east, so it would be something like I scribbled - dunno about its south boundary.
The Ocean west of B is closing on its northern half (both continents B and the one of the West have significant mountain ranges next to the ocean, that hints subduction), but it could still be opening on the south half (the question marks indicate that it will depend on the movement of those two continents)
The continents on the east side of the map appear to be a kind of recent split, as they still fit very well. Therefore, it's a natural place to install a divergent boundary.

As I said before a lot of times, these are free-to-take-or-ignore suggestions. Just hope it helps the kick off