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Thread: WIP:Blackross

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  1. #27


    So, what is the total population of Blackross, would you estimate?

    Quote Originally Posted by RedKettle View Post
    3. Maybe a fun direction, like color on a black background similar to the heatmap of building ages linked earlier in the thread. The question then is what information do I show? I am still not sure on that, but here is a rather garish proof-of-concept showing building use and that I can at least add color in a relatively quick fashion...
    blackross3-6b-final (color).gif
    I really like the idea of a heatmap, Redkettle, though, if you are using the Netherlands map (linked to earlier), I think the colour red signified the oldest buildings and blue is the newest constructed.
    If you'd allow me to help with dates in terms of age of construction periods, the town center (and the Norman Keep on the island in the river) would be pre-1800's (colour Red), while the neighbourhood of Coldridge would be the next to be constructed (1800-1900, Orange), when the Victorians moved out to a new area (but still close to the town's conveniences) to build their fancy houses with large gardens, ornamental parks, cemeteries and Church to cater to their spiritual needs (a feature not possible in the cramped-for-space old town center).
    The neighbourhoods of Aughnacross and Padraig Hill would be next to be constructed (1900-1920, Light Orange), as these would be the new educated professionals moving into the town and setting up their businesses and establishments, like dentists and doctors surgeries, barbers, hardware stores, etc. etc.. The Train Station would also be built in the very early years of 1900.
    The Great Depression would have stopped construction completely and the rural town probably didn't expand until well into the 1940's after the Second World War. Places like Shannagh and Fairview would only have begun to be built after the war (1945-1965, Yellow). These would be the first housing estates, where each house is built exactly the same as its neighbour with equal sized yard or lawn (plus, with the invention and widespread ownership of the automobile, it means these houses all have driveways for parking a family car, a notable absence in former housing styles). The owners who have shops and businesses on Main Street and principal side streets, would move out to these new "modern" housing estates leaving the rooms and floors above their shops empty or used for storage purposes.
    The High School, Garda Station, Community Center and Sports Grounds, would be relatively late constructions (1965-1985, White), while the Business Park, Cinema, restaurants and park amenities, would be the most recent additions (1985-2000, Gray).
    The 2000's would see a boom in the economy and the old town center would be refitted with new store fronts for new shops like expensive clothes boutiques, novelty gift shops and small Fast Food joints. Apartments and rooms (above these refitted ground floor shops) would be modernized and let out for rent to the young new business people (2000-2008, Light Blue).
    New housing estates (like in Fairview) would be constructed on the fringes of town in plots of 10 or more houses before the economic "boom" collapsed and the estates left half or unfinished, where the construction firms went bust following the credit crunch (2008-14, Dark Blue).
    Hope this little history narrative helps you in creating your really awesome heatmap. Cheers!
    Last edited by pionono; 07-20-2014 at 04:00 PM.

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