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Thread: My New Terra ...

  1. #31
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
    Ok, so you've got a lot of work ahead. I am very interested in seeing where you get to.

    A work of advice about carving rivers and painting mountains:
    Tectonics IS the mountain building mechanism.. the sole one, apart volcanoes. And tectonics doesn't only tell where mountains are, they also define the orientation of the mountain ridges and the orientation of faults/peaks. When using automated erosion in FT or Wilbur, this is overlooked and what would be a "ridge with sort of parallel lines of peaks becomes something without visible patterns". Mind this as you work on elevation, to get a more realistic look.
    what do u mean? In painting I tried to draw the mountains in the kind of stripes trying to follow the movement of the possible plate like if it was a cover over a table and someone pushing on a side ... then I applied wilbur and other erosions ....

    Not sure if it looks good but here is the result after my tests ....
    The sea is completely to redo anyway by using a mask over it and start over in FT .

    here is an example of after erosion of my kind of imitation of ...


    Anyway those are tests , I took a lot of time to do because of the time it takes wilbur to erode etc then make several tests and so on ...

    Basically I saw that the general shape is coming satisfactory but it cant get the exact detail shapes of real mountains on large scale continents as seen by space , I would say that a good approximation of the mountain shapes can be reached on a regional level , like if working on large sizes of continents rather than the whole planet but thats not possible in most region editing softwares and usually the biggest level possible is 8192 sizes ...

    I have to go back to the original fractal world though because I have first to define the plates in order to :

    paint the dorsals directly in FT possibly ,

    redraw the coastlines fundals with proper plate dependant oceanic shelves

    and fix some minor details

    Also its important to keep the fractal world to paint in all the climates and temperatures so I guess that befoure eroding definetively I also need to evolve the painting pf proper climates ... I was also trying to make a new climatic image texture for the FT , but will see eventually after on .
    Last edited by Naima; 07-25-2014 at 07:34 AM.

  2. #32
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Here is the tectonic map , I used a single euler pole ... not sure if I could use more than one for each continent but using only one this is more or less the result ... I had to make a few corrections to allow the movements.

    The yellow dots are the position of the euler poles

    the arrows indicate the directions

    the red lines are oceanic dorsals
    the dotted black lines are oceanic subduing zones
    the blue lines are land convergences
    the purple lines are forming rifts .

    What do you think ?

    Btw the arrows on poles regions look more strange couse of theprojection .


    I used this as reference ... I see there are lots of more plates actually than the main ones usually displayed in tectonic maps ...

  3. #33
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    Ok I had to redo all from scratch and here is a new version also handmade in FT3 , this time I made sure to save in the right format .

    Opinions? Better than the old version or worst? what sugestions for tectonics etc? Any shape , continent not looking belieavable or to cut?
    Perhaps remembers too much real earth?

    Attachment 65856
    Way better tectonics than the 1st one, but try creating some more plateaus like the one in the SE continent(?). Also, in the region at N of the "A" you could bind the 2 mt. ridges. Again, slightly adjust the heights of what are now really low, almost marshy plains by rising them.
    P.S. This is constructive criticism, i don't mean to offend you or your really good map(it is really good).

  4. #34
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    U referred to last map ?

  5. #35
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Here the Final Geographic map with the Oceanic dorsals traced , unfortunately I can't seem to work other notn vertical or horizontal ones directly in FT so I willprobably rely on some Nasa basins heightmaps ....

    What you think of the final shapes of contnents and the above showed plates segmentation?

    I will later make a better map for it possibly ... I have tested all plates with a single euler pole and they move accordingly , not sure if I coudl use more than one .


    Last edited by Naima; 07-27-2014 at 08:54 AM.

  6. #36
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Here the Final Tectonics ...

    hope is good .

    Red = Oceanic Dorsals
    Blue = Convergence zones
    Orange = Transformation zones
    Purple = Rifts


  7. #37
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    It's very good. Honestly, it seems to me you got the hang of it pretty quick.

    But... I see a couple of issues. They're minor, but let me point them out:
    - two of your seas do not have the oceanic dorsal centered - this only happens when the oceanic crust is being destroyed at the same time on the shorter side, which isn't the case
    - the larger continent on the west side of the map (the one closing the "mediterranean" sea from the south) is shown to be subducting under the old oceanic crust, it should be the other way around, and there would be a ring of volcanoes in the continent coast - alternatively, the sea could be shallow continental crust, in which case there isn't subduction, just bending and overthrusting, like it happened in the Alps/Apennines.

    Also, to make the coastlines much more believable I would get rid / smooth up the coastline on the passive continental coasts (those facing the oceanic ridges), since they have been suffering continuous erosion for millions of years - get rid of most (say... 2/3) of the peninsulas, spiky capes and inland bays that have no obvious geological origin.

  8. #38
    Guild Adept groovey's Avatar
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    Wow Naima, your are very prolific and efficient. I wish I had your energy and your ability to work with FT and Wilbur so well, and you got your tectonics almost done in a blink, that's very impressive. You even seem to have the height-map done too, are you a robot?

    I'm very interested to see how you take the work in those programs to Photoshop.

    As for your land masses, I like them quite a lot, so congrats on the good work and keep it up, though I can hardly catch up with you, which is a good thing because it means you are getting a lot done.
    Last edited by groovey; 07-28-2014 at 10:50 AM.

  9. #39
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Thankyou guys for the compliments ...

    Pixie wich seas you refer to ?
    As for the continent u mean the south africalike one? Should be subduing? Or transform? I used that xouse I saw a map with the mediterranean islands subduing ... ILl get rid of the peninsulas on est west dirsals , the ideawas to have though an appalachilike old mountain on the same area of new rising one ... Coincidence Ijust gotto see a tectonic focumentary on tv ...

  10. #40
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    3d Test from Inside wilbur .


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