Thank you all for those kind words.

And thanks for the link Chick. Never thought to look up a name generator. It’s simple yet effective.

There are several small companies in the Netherlands who print on cloth. All of which are tailors who own such a printer and have set up a web shop to facilitate others. There is bound to be someone near you as well
I send a sample first with the question of such fine line work could be replicated sharply. She replied it would be no problem. She was right. The edges are a bit softer than a laser printer would do on paper. But that really works well for maps.

Quote Originally Posted by Eilathen View Post
Care to share some info about the setting? As a fellow rpg-er i am always curious about fictional worlds of other gamers
More than happy to:

The map is more detailed than the setting ever was

Sept is a land that was home to dragons before man. When the gods decided they were bored they started populating the world with races. Humans first. Then Dwarfs, Halflings, Gnome, Elves etc.
Since Sept was dominated by Silver dragons they thought it was nice to take the fledgling races under their protection. And thus Sept was governed by a council who was chaired by a silver dragon.

Recently my main villain, an Illithid called Todd (which some unintended help from my party), slammed the Celestial plane and the Abyss together like a giant burger. Where the Material Plane is the meat in the middle. It was a case of look to the sky and peer into the heavens. And there were gasps and chasms everywhere that led to the underworld were demons poured out. (Yes the actual Underdark and the Drow were quite hopeless in the midst of all this)
Obviously, the new battleground for the war between angels and demons decimated the poor population of the normal world. The dragons took the heaviest of losses. In the end the planes were separated by the few gods who still care. Sept is no now longer ruled by dragons. Without the stoic vision of the mighty beasts corruption and the greediness of man can take hold.

The history was quite literally written by the party and how the story develop session to session over eight years.