I realize this is a really old posting but I just couldn't help myself:

Valley Elves : They live in a valley that is only reachable by a secret path.
Cliff Elves : Their city is built into the face of a cliff. The motif is trees and the carvings are so well done that the city looks like a miniature forest in the side of the cliff.
Ocean-spray Elves : Their city is in an inlet where the trees are tall and numerous. The vines that hang down from the trees make it look like above water algae.
The Petrified Elves : (Of course - some elves are so stiff as to make them appear petrified even though they don't live here.) Elves that live in a petrified forest. There are two kinds of these cities: 1)That are in a barren area with only stone sculptures, and 2)That have been overgrown with vegetatation. This second has vines, bushes, and shrubbery covering the petrified forest.

Just some thoughts (and obscure jokes). :-)