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Thread: Tree maps for a novel

  1. #1

    Map Tree maps for a novel

    I am in the middle of writing a book and in order to keep track of where my characters are, and what the area looks like, I have made a few maps myself.
    These have been a great tool while writing, but I kind of feel like I want nicer looking maps. So I thought I would send out a request here and see if anyone is interested in helping me and also what kind of money we are talking about for the job.

    So what do I need?
    The places I am writing about is sort of fictional places in the real world, so I need them to be realistic for the area in questions. The novel does take place far in the future though, so there is room for personal interpretation. And the story can always be altered to fit the map if there is need for it

    When it comes to the style of the maps, I do want them to have a bit of a worn look, as if my character brought them with her at all times and made notes on them as she went along. Although, depending of pricing, I am very interested in a more artistic set too, more like hand drawn art.

    I have also added my own maps for reference.

    Map 1: Forest area somewhere around, say, Minnesota or similar. Think birch trees, lots of streams, waterfalls and a few hills and mountains in the background. In need of an abandoned and partially ruined city and a steep hill close by.

    Map 2: Grassland/Badlands area somewhere around a place like South Dakota. Barren landscape with lots of hills and rocky mountains. In need of a canyon and a few caves.

    Map 3: Map over the city/colony that my characters live in. Old farm at the edge of the grasslands. (Since I am totally crap at drawing this last map I made is just a bad sketch of the layout)

    Have a look at my maps and let me know if you have any questions.

    forest area.jpggrassland area.jpgthe colony.jpg

    I'll pay, contact me and we'll discuss rates.

    I have attached three maps I made for reference

    I am looking for a map in the following style - Aronbor and perhaps Paloket

    I do want them to have a bit of a worn look, as if my character brought them with her at all times and made notes on them as she went along.
    Although, depending of pricing, I am very interested in a more artistic set too, more like hand drawn art.

    Quality & Size
    Professional / semi professional
    I want them to be quite large in order to print them out in good quality

    Since the book might get published some day, I need to have the right to include the map in books and other stuff related to the book.
    This can be discussed though and if the above is not possible, I am interested in having the maps just for my own reference.

    Contact Details
    Contact me by sending an email to erika[at] or answer me in this thread with contact details.
    (I can't use the private message thing here on the forum yet)
    Last edited by Marleéne; 03-06-2015 at 06:30 AM.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Has this request been taken? If so please let me know and I will archive this thread.


  4. #4
    Professional Artist Guild Donor Sapiento's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Salzburg, Austria


    That's taken - if I'm not completely wrong it's J.Edwards last map.

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