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Thread: WIP : Town of Fière-Muraille

  1. #21


    Slow progress on the fields !
    I've done the major lines on the northern farms/pastures/meadows (with rough temporary colouring for planning).
    Yellow/orange is planting (summer, autumn and fallow), bright green meadows, faint green pastures, dark green woods. I'll probably tweaks bits here and there when i'm doing the detailing, making maybe a small vineyard or wastes, or some other interesting variation.


    Next on the list, the southern ones, woods, paths/bridges, then detailing and adding the village lines.

    So far, I quite like how its looking, but i'll only know when I detail and colour them properly. My only worry is that the result might be very busy looking, so i'm planning on making the inside of the fields simple and revealing a lot of the grass background. If anything, I can always reduce the amount of seperations.

    Also thanks to the people following this, i'm glad you like it

  2. #22


    Looking at it again, I think i'll redo it. Most of those fields look too small and i'm not happy with the look. More work
    I'll update when I have good looking farms.

  3. #23
    Guild Member Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    May 2015


    I love your colors and linework! This is coming along nicely!
    Moonflowers is about an Irish guy, an American girl who ends up living with him, and the dog they rescue. Who is secretly the girl's presumed-dead father.

    ...Yeah, it's that kind of story.

    And by story, I mean "fairy-tale."

    And by fairy-tale, I mean "the unsettling kind."

  4. #24


    Farms !

    As always, the colours (and detail) of the farms, woods, the walls and buildings are temporary (although the buildings are pretty close), and will be cleaned and tweaked when properly done.
    Now that everything's in place, I can start going over each element and finishing it. The farms will take a while (making little stone walls, small paths, trees and the variation of fields), as well as the buildings (making a bunch of premade to copy-paste could make it easier) and walls.

    But, as far as the planning/placing of each element goes, i'm happy with how it's looking!


    Like last time, thanks for the feedback

    PS : just noticed i didn't include the village markers (just rough red circles for planning), you can probably guess where most of them are, usually at crossroads with space around it, between fields.

  5. #25
    Guild Member Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Looking good! I love how the different shades of green are clearly meant to be farmland/pasture or forest!
    Moonflowers is about an Irish guy, an American girl who ends up living with him, and the dog they rescue. Who is secretly the girl's presumed-dead father.

    ...Yeah, it's that kind of story.

    And by story, I mean "fairy-tale."

    And by fairy-tale, I mean "the unsettling kind."

  6. #26


    Haven't had much time to work on this lately, but still, a bit of progress.
    Tweaked the farms a bit, they didn't really fit the elevation well, and I felt like the map was too crowded.
    Added the forest lines (and some super rough colouring).

    Still not sure what to do with the "final" version of the farms, do it super detailed (stone walls and trees to seperate them, realistic filling for each type of field), or more conceptual (kinda like it is right now, with a bit more detailing).
    Also wondering if I should add a lot more detail to the building clusters, maybe just lines to seperate the buildings and some slight shading, but I don't really feel like making each individual building, probably only the important locations.


    Feedback welcome as always

  7. #27


    I have similar struggles when doing farmland.

    I am wondering if it might be worth adding some shadows to your building clusters to give them a bit more depth. You have the cliff which looks very three dimensional but the wall and buildings look very flat in comparison. You could also try shading and lines but maybe just start with some shadows.
    My new Deviant-thing. I finally caved.

  8. #28


    That's planned Larb, but thanks anyway
    The buildings are coloured mostly for me to get a feel for them, the only thing "done" about them is the lines. Once I decide on a final look, i'll colour, shade and add shadows and other details to the streets.

  9. #29


    Alright, progress progress !
    Roads, the central castle, walls detailed.
    Forest coloured and textured, will probably add more shading/little things later on.
    Building clusters and farms have now drop shadows as to give a better effect, BUT those are still far from being in their finished state.


    TODO :
    Detail and colour the building clusters, add street detail (like different ground textures for the streets, right now it's all the same path which isn't ideal) and main "points of interest"
    Add villages and other locations in the region
    Work on slight shading/shadows for forests, buildings, etc..
    Work on the farm and decide what to do with them in terms of detail (little stone walls, some trees on the farm seperations, little details, variations on the field contents.

    Then the finishing touches, details, a scale + compass, legend if needed, title, and wrap up !

    Thanks again for the interest in the map and the advice, even if a lot things people suggested were already planned it helped me confirm they were needed and figure out the best way to do them.

  10. #30


    The castle looks nice. I look forward to seeing it after you have done the rest of the buildings.
    My new Deviant-thing. I finally caved.

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