Ohhhh thanks everybody, your comments are really encouraging

I wish to say that I'm not the only creator of the map, my husband gave me the structural elements to start with (the pentagon with the eye, big tower in the center, big tree in triangular square, three square buildings creating a triangular plaza etc.), I wanted to add more realism to his sketch, so that it'd look more like a normal city with a hint of magic in it.
What I found most fascinating and amusing when working on this map was the "weaving" of the urban fabric, of all the town houses, roads that are not necessarily crucial elements of the storyline but give the general ambience and articulate the most important places between them ( ... sorry for the vocabulary, hope I'm expressing myself clearly...).

And yes I understand about the lake and the river, it was a last minute addition and since I hadn't included them from the start they may look a bit weird and not fully integrated...