First of all, thanks to every one for stopping by and giving me some pointers. Second, you're lucky the sharks are well fed, we'll leave the plank for later

@ Mouse : thanks for the good feed back, I'll talk about the map after and do not worry, it's fun

@ Bogie : you bet it is I knew you'd like it !

@ Ilanthar : those are indeed tricky waters. I wanted the island to be unattainable except for the backdoor that I'll show with the indications. And I guess I've got a thing for pirates ...

@ GLS : great catch for the rhumb lines ! I noticed it yesterday but hadn't had time to redo it. What do you think of the new lines. Same jagged brush as all the linework. I'll work with a mask on the whole linework to wear it a little bit. Hope I won't overdo it. And rubs aligned, I hadn't noticed so, thanks a lot.

@ Daniel : I'll address the ivory later, I've got questions. Out of topic, check your mail for three maps

@ Josiah : thanks and I like your dragon, he's cute !

@ DarkInfinity : that's a great idea for a challenge ! Here's an evocative piece for you Thanks for the compliment and I hope you'll make good use of the background. I'm preparing another one.

@ Abu Lafia : thanks a lot Martin ! And thanks some more for your dragon is a scary one that better suits the map I redid the forests and would like some feed back before I finish it.

@ Straf : even if it seriously decrease the grim feel of the map, I agree, that made me laugh.

Back to business now, mates !

### Latest WIP ###
Treasure map4.jpg

So, I redid the sea with a slightly sterner color (not full ultramarine though). I guess it works better and well enough. I don't think I'll change much of it, maybe add some further blue ripples to break the pattern.

I also worked on a new forest. Here, I need your opinion before going full map (even if I did most of it).

About the skull, I used some kind of very light brown, I do not see the silvery white, unless maybe on the highlights. Could someone enlighten me please ?

I simplified the mountains. Shading will be easier but still, it'll be tricky.

I have a dilemma about shading. If I do it well, the map will be glorious (I hope) but I'd need to do it on the forest and maybe on the coast. I first wanted to get a FROM the world feel and I'm not sure the captain of a pirate ship would go to such extent to draw his map (one could argue that the compass doesn't fit in this case but, ... go to hell, I'll keep the compass !). What do you think ? Do I not shade or do I have a huge chunk of work down the road ?

The linework is pretty much done. Finishing the forest if the style works and adding some coastal details then shading (I guess it's mandatory ...). Last part will be some not-so-much-labels-than-handwritten-intel then the weathering of all the linework.

Again, shoot your canons, mates !