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Thread: June / July '17 Lite Challenge: Two Ideas

  1. #1

    Default June / July '17 Lite Challenge: Oasis City

    Hi everyone

    I have two ideas for the lite challenge and I can't really decide on which one.

    The first one is a pretty straight forward oasis city that is located on a rather large sea in the middle of a huge desert. The layout of the map is oriented on the Fibonacci ratio, the main city map will be a 8x8 square on the left side and the overland map of the whole oasis region will be 5x5 on the left corner, then there will be a 3x2 space for the map title/description in the bottom right corner.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    And the second one takes a more metaphoric approach on the oasis issue: It shows pointe du hoc a couple of days after D-Day with the whole cliff being covered with debris and only one rock in front of the cliff is still covered with green grass.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Pointe du hoc v1.JPG

    Both of the maps are very early sketches.

    Which one do you like better?

    Last edited by HadrianVI; 07-10-2017 at 08:34 PM.

  2. #2


    I think I prefer the first one

    Wait for others to say what they think before you start though

    Hopefully it won't take too long!

  3. #3
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Welcome to the challenge, I like the first one the best also, but the second is an interesting idea.

  4. #4


    Thank you, Sue and Bogie, for your comment. So, the first one it is.

    Here's my first update:

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Tobruq II.JPG

  5. #5


    Looking good already, Hadrian

    Watch that sea texture - there's a lot of redundancy in it (an obvious repeating pattern) You might find the HW one is better - its the one I used for Scribble Rock in two sheets/layers. It also has redundancy problems since the highest res is only 500 px square, but the pattern there isn't quite as obvious - especially if you have other textures mingled in with it (I used a blend mode so the sand, pebbles, seaweed, and rocks showed through mine)

  6. #6


    Just a thought, but you could zoom in on the oasis part a lot more and cut out a lot of that ocean anyway, if you don't want to spend a long time making it good

    EDIT: AND... the water line along a stretch of sand is a whole lot smoother than the waterline around the cliffs. Its just the nature of the beast
    Last edited by Mouse; 07-04-2017 at 03:33 AM.

  7. #7


    Thank you, Sue. I am aware that the textures and the water lines are not exactly good looking yet.
    The textures are still optimized for a map of the size of the regional map in the top right corner, therefore they are way too small for the city map on the left side.
    I am going to fix this in time, but I had not come around to do it just yet.

    As for the water lines, they will be done too. I unintentionally deleted the effects on the beaches, because I thought I had selected another sheet and I was not entirely sure what values I used. And I since I was working on something else, I did not want to go back to figure out the right values, so this too will be done later on.

    I'll consider changing the zoom level, but I'm not sure whether this makes any sense at this point, because it would change the line width on all the currently set houses ect.

  8. #8


    The line width should stay the same, unless you use pen width instead of line width?

    I think we might be confusing each other (I know I'm confused LOL). I wasn't talking about zooming the map or uploading a larger map. I meant making the oasis larger within the current frame so you didn't waste so much of the space showing the sea around it when you have already shown that in the inset map.

    You might, of course, have plans for that great empty space of blue. If so it would be wrong to fill it with the oasis. I shall wait and see what develops

  9. #9


    Just zooming in, as in setting a smaller frame is not going to work on this one, because everything you see is on the same map.
    So, the only practical way to zoom would be to increase the size of all entities on the left map (except for the water background).

  10. #10


    So, here's another update as I call it a night for today.

    Tonight I mostly worked on the city map, so I'm going post a close up screenshot of the city.

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Tobruq inner city.JPG

    As you can see, the city clearly misses a city planner. Some of the buildings are so close that the street beneath can hardly be seen.
    The city is divided into two parts. The lower part between the cliffs and the higher part on the rocky plateau. The later is inhibited by the richer citizen of the city. From the outside, both parts can only be reached by crossing the bridge.
    For people living in the lower part this means they will have to enter the higher district in order to leave the city. However, there are several restrictions on who may enter the higher part, which makes almost impossible for some of the inhabitants of the lower part to leave the city on a land route. Their only option is to use a boat, but these are mostly controlled by some of the wealthier traders (with the exception of some fishing boats).

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