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Thread: June / July '17 Lite Challenge: Inspired by Malacandra

  1. #21


    Hi Sue

    This looks very interesting so far. I can't wait to see how your map develops.

  2. #22


    Thanks Hadrian

    I've finally sorted out where's where, and what's what, even though its all a bit crude right now, so here is the first real map

    Malacandra 07.jpg
    Last edited by Mouse; 07-09-2017 at 10:03 PM.

  3. #23
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
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    Jun 2008


    At this point it's really still a bit abstract. It'll be interesting to see how you combine the two perspectives and how it'll all come together in the end.

  4. #24


    LOL! It must be bad! There's only one perspective - and that's from above! LOL!

    Its because the canals are so straight I'll have to use a bit of artistic licence with the overall design, and.... I have a niggling feeling that something is still wrong with it... somewhere.... a left, instead of a right, or something. I'm not reading the book for the fifth time just to find the one word. If I have this feeling, then I was wrong the same way before in a previous version, so I'll re-read the thread and look at my notes again

    The journey itself is very long (he seems to travel an alarming number of miles a day, but it is a low gravity planet). I've shrunk it into the rectangle of the map by throwing in a couple of acute angles where there should probably be right angles taking him over the high land, but I've still had to turn it diagonal to fit it in. I'm now wondering if I should have done this as a square map, but I've already prepared all the texture sheets ready for doing the texture painting part of it all, and starting again at this point would take too long...

    I did catch a colour error on this last reading. Lewis describes the trees as purple, but then he likens them to giant heaps of heather when seen from a distance. Heather, to me, is more pink from a distance than purple. The only time it looks at all purple to me is when it goes that brownish colour in the autumn and winter.

    Also - if I turn the trees heather coloured, this really will be OTT pink - the pinkest map EVER, where the only thing that isn't pink in the entire world is the water and the greenish, whitish rock!

    I think they will stay the colour they are right now on this map

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Actually - I've confused myself. That's wrong as well! He's heading down the page from the top so his left in that narrow part of the canal will actually be on the other side...
    Oh.... BOTHER!!!

    I forgot to flip the map over

    Can't do anything else today - have to go on a group walk that I agreed to go on ages ago.

  6. #26
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
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    LOL, get some fresh air to clear the head.

  7. #27


    I didn't go in the end. It was simply tooooo hot! I don't do heat very well - tend to get heat stroke and pass out - becoming a problem for everyone else at that point!

    Expecting thunder storms this afternoon and evening, so I don't know if I'll be on line but I've become frustrated with GIMP because its taking too long to rearrange the layout, and I'm working on a hand drawn version instead...

  8. #28
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected NathanC's Avatar
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    I actually really like the color palette you have dispite your thoughts of it being dreadful 😁

  9. #29


    LOL! It was just too pink for me, Nathan. I couldn't handle it any more, so I've gone and invested in Artrage Lite with some of my birthday money, and I've started again. Only this time its a perspective map - which should help me cut down the vast waste of space that's bugging the top view where the protagonist (Ransom) travels tens of miles in relatively straight lines very quickly

    Malacandra by AR 01.jpg
    Last edited by Mouse; 07-09-2017 at 10:04 PM.

  10. #30
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    ... so I've gone and invested in Artrage Lite ...
    Yay!!!!!!! Can't wait to see what you do with the software!
    And I like the perspective view a lot It's easier for me to read the landscape forms as well.
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

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