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Thread: The discovery of a new world

  1. #1
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Default The discovery of a new world

    Hi all,
    I will start from a Portolan Chart I did some times ago ( and will focus on a small part of it, depicting the first lands of the New World discovered :
    In the next post the beginning of a background and a sketch will come soon I hope...

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    Some background, in French and English. Please tell me if the English version is understandable, as it is mainly a google translation !

    French :
    La première carte du nouveau monde, dessinée au retour de la fameuse expédition dirigée par le capitaine Estaqui l'Equitable. Partis de Garilac le 19 Sies de l'an 47 du Haut Patriarche Placido XI, les deux navires rescapés de l'expédition, le Pantaleon (Capt Estaqui l'Equitable) et le Socrata (Capt Ricardo l'Abstinent) atteignirent la première île le 10 Uech au terme d'une navigation éprouvante de 52 jours : Le Prudencio (Capt Nectari le Silencieux) sombra au cours d'une tempète seulement trois jours après le départ, le tiers des provisions s'avéra avarié, l'archipel des grandes espérances fut raté à cause d'une erreur de navigation et le Lop Del Mar (Capt José l'Insubmersible) heurta un monstre marin et coula immédiatement sans que l'on pu sauver un seul membre de son équipage*.
    Après cette première île, opportunément appelée Tera Nuve, l'expédition continua une route 78° 3/4 et découvrit quatre jours plus tard la deuxième terre, qui fut évidemment baptisée en l'honneur du roi Lop, même si des mauvaises langues racontent que Ricardo l'Abstinent lui donna tout d'abord le nom de sa femme (il est vrai que cette île n'a rien d'exitant)
    Le premier contact avec les naturels eu lieu sur l'île Isop. Intrigués par l'odeur et les étranges vaisseaux, les habitants accueillirent les explorateurs au son de leurs trompettes traditionnelles. Se sentant menacés**, les vaillants aventuriers ouvrirent le feu et massacrèrent toute la tribu ainsi que leurs animaux domestiques jusqu'au dernier ("pour ne pas faire de jaloux" déclara plus tard Estaqui, ce qui lui valu le surnom d'Equitable) Après avoir repris leurs esprits, les explorateurs furent touchés par la beauté florale de l'île qui fut aussitôt nommée Ila Isop.
    L'île Sabamona (de Saba - pierre - et Mona -île - dans le dialecte Anifa) fut abordée le 18 Onz. cette fois les conquérants eurent la présence d'esprit de dialoguer avec les indigènes et de leur demander comment ils appelaient cette terre dans leur langue avant de les occire.

    * Ceci est la version officielle. Le matelot Gaspard Quatre Epaules, que l'on peut trouver tous les jours à la taverne du Margoulin, vous livrera une toute autre version contre une bonne bouteille. Contre deux bouteilles, vous pouvez même avoir une version inédite et exclusive.
    ** Au cours du procès qui lui fut intenté par la ligue de protection des animaux, le capitaine Estaqui se justifia par ces mots : "De quoi m'accuse-t-on ? Ce n'est quand même pas ma faute si ces p... de trompettes ressemblaient à des mousquets !". Il fut acquitté, la cour ayant jugé qu'il avait agit "sans grand discernement mais avec grand courage". Le malchanceux capitaine dut subir un autre procès, de cannibalisme cette fois, suite à une plainte déposée par la ligue végane : Echoués sur un récif pendant 35 jours, Estaqui et la plupart de ses compagnons d'infortune furent secourus et récupérés en assez bonne forme mais on ne put trouver trace du mousse Sergi le Dodu. Les charges furent abandonnées faute de preuves matérielles.

    A suivre...

    English :

    The first map of the new world, drawn on the return of the famous expedition led by Captain Estaqui the Equitable. Set out from Garilac on 19 Sies of the year 47 of High Patriarch Placido XI, the two surviving ships of the expedition, the Pantaleon (Capt Estaqui the Fair) and the Socrata (capt Ricardo the Abstinent), reached the first island on 10 Uech at the end of a tiring voyage of 52 days: The Prudencio (Capt Nectari the Silent) sank during a storm only three days after departure, one third of the supplies turned out to be damaged, the archipelago of Great Hopes was missed because of a navigational error and the Lop Del Mar (Capt José the Insubmersible) struck a sea monster and immediately sank without being able to save one member of her crew *.
    After this first island, opportunely called Tera Nuve, the expedition continued on a road 78° 3/4 and discovered four days later the second land, which was obviously named in honor of the king Lop, although spiteful tongues say that Ricardo The Abstinent first gave it the name of his wife (it is true that this island has nothing exciting)
    The first contact with the natives took place on Isop Island. Intrigued by the smell and the strange ships, the inhabitants welcomed the explorers to the sound of their traditional trumpets. Feeling themselves threatened**, the valiant adventurers opened fire and massacred the whole tribe and their domestic animals to the last ("to avoid jealousy" later declared Estaqui, which earned him the nickname of Fair) After recovering their senses, the explorers were touched by the floral beauty of the island, which was immediately named Ila Isop.
    The island Sabamona (from Saba - stone - and Mona - island - in the Anifa dialect) was approached on Onz 18. This time the conquerors had the presence of mind to converse with the natives and ask them how they called this land in their language before slaying them.

    * This is the official version. The deckhand Gaspard Four Shoulders, who can be found every day at the Swindler's tavern, will give you another version for a good bottle. For two bottles, you can even have a new and exclusive version.
    ** During the lawsuit brought by the animal welfare league, captain Estaqui justified himself by saying: "What I am accused of? It is not my fault that these f... trumpets looked like muskets! ". He was acquitted, the court having judged that he had acted "without great discernment but with great courage". The unlucky captain had to undergo another trial, for cannibalism this time, following a complaint filed by the vegan league: Stranded on a reef for 35 days, Estaqui and most of his companions of misfortune were rescued and recovered in fairly good health but there was no trace of the ship's boy Sergi the Plump. The charges were abandoned for lack of physical evidence.

    To be continued...

  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    Here what I got so far :
    The ocean needs work and the inland is ugly but I don't care too much for now as it will be mostly filled with forest/jungle.

  4. #4
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    Removed the relief of the sea and posterized it I think is is better, need your advices


  5. #5
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    Angers, France


    J'aime beaucoup l'idée du suivi !

  6. #6


    I like the new ocean

    There are a couple of places where there is instantly deep water around the coast, but the overall effect is great.

  7. #7
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Thank you both ! It perhaps does not look but I spent a bit of time on toponymy on this map and not to waste it I thought it would be interesting to go deeper. Mouse : Yes, I will correct this, I don't want the water levels to be too "circoncentrics" (I'm quite sure this word does not exists) though...

  8. #8
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    Some improvement (I hope ) on the sea levels, added some relief and test forests. Given the scale (the white mark on the left is about 100 kms) I said that the forest brush is too big, no ?

  9. #9
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    More forests... Added a simple sea texture for testing. Things are going slowly...

  10. #10


    The new contours are much better. I think the new sea texture sets it off rather well, but now that you've done that, and given it a photorealistic edge, I'm beginning to wonder if the underwater contours would look better blended into one another a bit more to take out the hard edges?

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