Quote Originally Posted by 12rounds View Post
I suppose there's always a need for undead opponents.
Here is an Orc skeleton warrior.
Now there's something that's never occurred to me before. So often the skeletons are of humans, but no mention made of the evil necromancer resurrecting his henchmen when they die. Logically, why waste resources. Excellent work.

Quote Originally Posted by 12rounds View Post
I have an Akron merchant prince in the works - a rich, high-living and easy-going dandy adept with a rapier. His story revolves around Artor Cambori in that he has hired The Warders on numerous occasions to protect merchant convoys.
Now this is intriguing. I'll have to do some thinking on the merchant guilds present in the city states. The Merchant Guild of Akron being preeminent in the region, for now anyway. The Raedis Guild following close on its heels.