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Thread: Request for Campaign Map

  1. #1

    Post Request for Campaign Map

    Greetings everyone. I'm running a homebrew D&D 3.5 campaign that has been running since the early 1990’s. We started early on with a map rendering in CC1 then CC2, but I was never able to produce something of decent quality. Subsequently, I started working informally with an artist friend to complete the map for us, but the project stalled. I’d love to have a semi/professional quality rendering of the map for use in our campaign. Once successfully complete, I’d also want to pursue a map rendering of the capital city as a second project, but the second project would be detailed and paid-for separately.

    I am brand new to cartographers' guild and this is my first commission, so I have generously plagiarized prior map requests. Please let me know if I need to add any additional information. All of the below are negotiable.

    I will provide jpegs of an outline map we’ve been using to date. I would send the CC2 files, but they’ve long since been lost to the ravages of time. I would like a to-scale rendering of the map. It should include a scale and compass rose. Specific cities and large geographic features should be maintained relative to where they are in the renderings provided but there are large portions of the map that are still open to creative license of the cartographer. I could use the artists help with naming portions of the map as well. What is most important are the names and relative locations of certain specific points on the map, which I can specify.

    One Prior Rendering (I can email other pdf/jpgs upon request)
    Latest revamped draft.JPG


    Here are a few maps that I like, but I am open to other options:

    Quality & Size
    -To be distributed digitally, and potentially, 3’x2’ printing for hanging.
    -Not really sure about how to describe the quality (other than high) so will default to roughly 3000 x 3000 pixels and approximately 100 miles per inch.

    Time Constraints
    No major time constraints. Happy to do what works best for the artist assuming it’s less than 3 months or so.

    I would like to see 4 phases:
    a) Rough sketch or outline of the map including color pallet/fonts the artist intends to use.
    b) 50% completion for review
    c) 90% completion for review and finishing touches
    d) Final product delivery

    Happy to adjust these milestones based on what works best for the artist.

    -The artist will maintain copyright, I only ask for reproduction rights for use in my campaign.

    -$50 upfront upon acceptance of the commission
    -$250 paid upon completion, satisfactory to both parties
    -Paid via PayPal

    Please email me (pilpock23—at— with questions or, if you are interested, a link to your previous work samples. I’d suggest a PM, but am new to these forums so don’t believe I have the privileges assigned yet. I will be available to the artist throughout the process. Thank you for considering my request.


  2. #2
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    The Netherlands


    Hey pilpock,

    I might be interested in this project. Please take a look at my portfolio at and if you're interested you can contact me at info [at] danielsmaps [dot] com.

    I hope to hear from you soon!


  3. #3
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Hi Pilpock, I've sent you a mail.

  4. #4

    Default Taken

    I wanted to thank everyone for their responses related to this request. There are some absolutely incredible artists on this forum. My group and I were blown away by the portfolios of prior projects we were able to review. We are working with a cartographer from this forum now on the first stage of the project. Thanks to all who expressed interest.

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