Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
I'm working again on my Eldoran setting, doing many changes and using my new skills to develop it (doing some illustrations and letting my delirium go further ).
One of the thing is that I wanted to go back to a previous idea of a 2 suns system. The primary star is more a light provider than anything else, the additional warmth being almost constant and coming into play only when there's a 0, 1 or 2 suns configuration (with a slight change then).
The secondary star (hence the closest) is providing much of the warmth and is the only one to consider for seasons.
Here's a general sketch, I'll probably do a proper map of it.
YlleionLjos SysSketch.jpeg

And I finally decided to redo the general map. So, Since I'm not starting from zero again and rely on stuff I already wrote, the general continents are necessarily close to the old world map. I added things and I'm not borrowing anything here though (apart from paleo earth stuffs & actual earth/venus/mars things).

I'm looking forward to read what you think of it!
New Eldoran.jpeg

And for once, I did manage to do a polar continent that looks interesting when projected.
Eldoran Sp.png
The map and continent shapes look great, my only criticism would be that , and only if the idea is an Earthlike world , that there is too much land and too little ocen making the overal world a bit of cluttered with landforms , but then its totally plausible to have a dry world with less watern than land.
The Antarctic continent reminds me a lot of Antarctica.