@Ravs - Thanks...The grassy background is just there temporarily, it bothers my eyes when the background is a big solid mass of color so I usually throw some kind of texture on it to help break it up some. I'll either remove it or re-render it at a larger scale later on to get rid of the 'tiling'.

@Ascension - Thanks...any suggestions are helpful (whrther I use them or not ) it helps get the 'old creative juices flowing' again.

I thought about putting the whole thing in the middle of a pool so it looks like its 'floating', but haven't come up with anything I really like. Not sure whether I want to add any more to the floor of the temple itself (I'll give it a try though) - I have more 'structures' to add though with the changes I made not sure how I'm going to connect them together.

Heck I may not even take this much further - I have some other ideas I may try.