First set of comments and question from us . Again, thank you for the feedback!!!!

Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
I also grew frustrated trying to select the text due to everything else being grabbable. I would like an option to "lock everything" and "lock everything except for what I have selected" and "lock everything underneath my current layer". The few times that I've brought myself to use Illustrator, I've definitely used an option something like that to make things easier when managing tons of asset layers.
Currently you can select a group of items and then under Edit, "Lock in Place" and "Lock Properties." The next release is adding the ability to set which item types are selected when using the selection or transform tools - so perfect timing!

Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
I would also like a couple of more options for outline jaggedness. I'm not convinced it's better than what I can draw by hand. What might help is if you could change the fractalization using the number keys while not losing your "grip". Or a randomization option to increase and decrease how fractalized it is..
Currently you can set various fractalization parameters from the toolbar across the top (factor, aplitude, auto segment, etc). You can also regenerate/re-roll the current fractal the W and S shortcuts (in Windows there is a mouse scroll shortcut too). You can also set the pen to "Bezier Fractal" to create fractal segment along curve paths.

We can definitely add the ability to tweak some of these settings from the numpad. Which parameters would you like being able to modify as you draw?

Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
One thing I did not observe was the ability to put textures on layers set to overlay, hard light, soft light, screen, multiply. I do this with almost every map I make, not just opacity adjustments. I would also want these types of layer interface effects for the terrain coloration effect.
Good point, thank you! We'll work to add the option later this year.