Most of my ideas on rep were posted by all of you before, so here is just a summary of my opinion:

- I like the rep idea as a whole very much

- Biggest issue in my opinion ist the big gap between the value of rep coming from different people and therefore the possibility of gaining much rep with just one post, if the "right" person reps you. Don't get my wrong, I don't have a problem, if someone has a high rep! But it makes the system (or at least the shown bar) a bit obsolote, because it tells you nothing about the person's activity within the community and presented work

- to have +1 by everyone is definitly an option. I personally would also be fine with a version, which works with almost the same system as it does now, but with a strong decrease of the boost system. What I have in mind is: you could spread more rep for years of participating, 1000 posts and the like, but it could just give you the chance to rep for example just 5 points max. with one rep, not 10000 or whatever. That wouldn't change the whole system, but could prevent a new inflation

- to start with zero now and show the "old rep" at once might be a good idea