Ok, had a chance to work on it a little more. I'm not to fussed about the colours etc. in this new version, I think I'll lighten the look up somewhat, but I think I am gonna go with the mountains as I have them in it. I can raise them up a lot more if need be but I kind of like how they look more like an artistic impression of mountains, rather than actual "glossy-glowy" bevelled thingamajigs. And so I'll probably also lose the very slight land height map as I think it muddies the look up somewhat and maybe try putting a nice paper effect under it to go with the arty mountains.

Ok so the next major stumbling block I'd say is rivers. The ones I've put in so far aren't satisfactory and at the very least need toning right down so they don't stick out so much. I'd very much like to see that tutorial you are writing on creating rivers Ravells.
