Heres the next entry, some people go missing... the repairs are taking longer... etc

Entry 2
Lord Arthien’s Personal Diary
Day 58

The progress on repairing our ships has slowed to a crawl. Last night after an argument with his mother, the young lad Raiff ran out into the forest. Danriella went into the forest after him, but neither have returned. One of the men saw her leave, and claimed to hear screams not long after but there were no other reports of such distressing news.

When daylight came I sent both of my personal guard out with Danriella's husband Randall to search for them. I gave them instruction to come straight to me with any evidence; I don't want rumours to spook the men. Algrim, Baor and the man returned with a single shred of the boys clothing, drenched with blood. Randall has since been a muttering mess, collapsed and wailing in his tent alone. I feel for his loss, but I must tailor my mood to best fit the people's needs.

I've told Algrim to gather volunteers and set up a watch during the night; no one is to leave the camp after dark. I've also limited the trips to the forest to one a day, in an armed group. The majority of brush and wood will go toward large parameter fires, to light the area and repel wildlife. I've also asked Algrim and a few of the volunteers to perform a scouting mission along the beach each day, until I find definite proof that the Lass has been lost to the sea, I will continue to search for survivors.

The fires are already taking a toll on the wood supply, and Danriella was one of the best seamstresses we had on board. The damage to our ship and sails will not be repaired quickly. I believe we may need to settle in for a longer stay.