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Thread: Farathor

  1. #1

    Map Farathor

    Hey there! My first post here showing my very first map.
    Well, I don`t have much to say about it, cause in fact, my client kinda drew it for me with pencils(simple sketch) and I had liberty to create some stuff. I don`t know much about the history here, but its obviously a Medievel Continent called Farathor. It has Maya Ruins, Desert, Volcanos and Ice Mountains. I basecally used some weird brushes, and printscreens from google maps. All done in photoshop.
    Hope you like it, also critics and comments are very welcome!
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    Concept Artist

  2. #2
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    As I have already said, beautiful map. The desert and large mountain almost in the center of the map are very well done.
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  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer Tear's Avatar
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    I like it very much. It's an interesting mix of realism and painted symbol style.

    The only things that I think are a tad too dominant are the heavy clouds and the highly saturated yellow used for the border.

    But that's nitpicking... I really hope to see more from you.

  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Looks very nice.

    I really like the border but agree with Tear that it a little overly-yellow (and yes I am nit-picking too )
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

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  5. #5
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    I can understand why you went with the high gold look so I'm thinking that maybe if there was more to the frame around the edge that maybe you could sort of hide it a little bit. No real need to see the clouds and ocean around the edge. Then again, if you want the focus to be on the map then I'd tone the gold down...more of a sand color. The mountains are superb as are the forests. The colors are great and it has a painted feel that I really like. If I could do something half as good I'd be happy. All around, great job.
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    My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps

  6. #6

    Praise Its a beaut!

    I knew you'd get a better reception here! And you've created a beautiful one at that. I agree with some of the criticisms mentioned by the others. Still its very well done. Now that you've posted it here, have some REP!

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  7. #7


    Sure bud! ehehe
    It`s awesome to have good feedback like this! I`ll certainly improve on the next one! Thank you all for crit and comment. I`m glad you enjoyed
    Concept Artist

  8. #8
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Yes I thought you got a bit of a harsh set of critiques on the other forum too. I cant find much wrong with the map at all. All the rivers seem particularly well placed - we have river police here cos its a rarity to see a new map maker get it right. Not much to say about it other than maybe the clouds could have been above the gold frame but yes its all very nit picky comments. Marvelous stuff.

    Welcome to friendly pastures.

  9. #9


    There are some weird rivers there, but I guess that's just the way your client drew them. The roads are quite difficult to see when they're crossing some terrain types; west of Aquila and around Gallena for example.

    Most of the mountains are excellent, but the ones next to Senille by the west coast seem of poorer quality. Perhaps they are just a bit too pointy.

  10. #10
    Guild Artisan Facebook Connected
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    Atlanta, Georgia, United States


    It's got a beautiful, painterly quality to it. I much approve.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Yes I thought you got a bit of a harsh set of critiques on the other forum too. I cant find much wrong with the map at all. All the rivers seem particularly well placed - we have river police here cos its a rarity to see a new map maker get it right. Not much to say about it other than maybe the clouds could have been above the gold frame but yes its all very nit picky comments. Marvelous stuff.

    Welcome to friendly pastures.
    Actually, I noted roughly 2 river infractions.

    1) The Rio Jade / Jade River seems to connect the Golfo de Mortar to the sea in the south. But rivers don't flow from sea to sea (this was the problem for fourteenth century explorers looking for the "Northwest passage"), they flow from high ground (mountains, etc.) to low ground (the sea).

    2) The Lago de Aztec / Aztec Lake on the island in the northwest has three rivers exiting the lake and flowing toward the sea. This is a pretty unusual configuration, as normally a lake can have several input rivers, but usually only one output river that flows from the sea. So, as a corallary to the first note, you may have one or more rivers flowing from mountains into the lake, but usually only one flow out of the lake and toward the sea will dominate.

    These are technical nitpicks, and speak nothing of the beautiful artistic style of the map as a whole, which is very pleasing. In particular, I like the way the rivers look, even if a couple of them do some very strange things.
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    Pimping my worldmap here. Still WIP... long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of what I've done so far...

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