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Thread: Artorder - the assassin devil

  1. #11
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the crits! That's given me a good chunk of work and polishing to do. I'll post the new version when I have it.

    Philipstephen - of course you should enter! I'd be really interested to see your take on the assassin devil. Thanks for the note on the deadline. I'd forgotten that he moved to biweekly challenges rather than weekly ones. Next week is hectic though so it's good to be almost done early.

  2. #12
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Okay, increased the head size, tried to make her less Dude-like (cheers Ascension ) and fixed some anatomy issues around the chest and collarbone. Also, increased the size of the hand and altered the flow of the corset. Not quite there yet, but I think this is getting there.

    Any further crits much appreciated - I know there are still things in there that are off. Shout about the ones you notice and I'll get back into it.


  3. #13


    As with the others, I thought the darker part was part of the face (which I found to be an interesting touch), but apparently it is a mask.. (no offense, but I liked the idea more when I thought it was part of her face).

    The thing that has been bugging me the most about the picture is...
    I'm missing an arm =\
    For some reason I'm looking for her other arm.
    Now if the 'mask' was part of her face, you could've done something like use a different style arm, two arms on her left side, or something very different like a scythed tentacle or so.
    (not familiar if you can make 'any' assassin daemon, or one that represents an allready established concept)
    In anycase, to me, she is missing her left arm.. (I am aware it could be hidden behind her body, keeping the cloak back or so, but it just doesn't strike me as such a pose).

  4. #14
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    The left arm is actually there but yes, it could be picked out more clearly. As for the other questions - the mask on the face and the number of limbs are determined by the art brief in the link in the first post. No getting away with scythed tentacles on this one, more's the pity...

    Thanks for the note on her left hand. I'll fix that.
    Last edited by torstan; 01-17-2010 at 08:40 AM.

  5. #15
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Back arm highlighted. Tweaks to the face. Edited the foot to go for the more standard three toes of the 4e devils. Detail on sword arm and hand as well as a subtle edge highlight on the sword (it is made of shadow after all - it can't have particularly sharp highlights). Oh and added a face strap for the mask too, to help it read better.


    ... and it's away. I decided I had to submit it or I'd never stop tinkering with it. Thanks to everyone for their help. It was exceptionally useful.

  6. #16
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    All these changes are looking good. Can I suggest one more. The eyes seem to me to be pointing in different directions. Her right (our left) seems to be aiming to our left compared to the red dot behind the mask and both eyes should be forward.

    I reckon you ought to be in with a shout with it tho. Its very nice.

    Darn now I read below the image that you sent it. Good luck anyway - keep us posted.

  7. #17
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Good point on the eyes. The issue here is that we note the light points on the eyes as the reflected highlights. In this case the light is forward, but a little top left, so the eyeball has a top left highight. However the right eye is a glowing orb that emits it's own light so the highlight is dead center. That does mean that the lightest point of each eye is in a different place, giving the impression of the eyes looking off in different directions. Ho hum, we'll just have to see how it fares.

    I'll post here when the entries go up on the site - should be a week on Tuesday. People posting about entries in comment threads help a piece get noticed, so I'll be counting on the good folks of the CG

  8. #18
    Professional Artist Djekspek's Avatar
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    pretty amazing painting torstan! getting better and better. I love the way you painted the armor and the claw/nails. cheers and good luck with the entry!

  9. #19
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    The entries are up! Here's the page with all the contributions. Some very interesting versions on there and some interesting lessons that I can learn from. Definitely going to have a more careful look through the larger versions.

    Check them out here:

    Pieces I particularly like: Jason Jutta - lovely way of using the cloak in the vignette; Florian Stiz - nice terrain; Dana Henderson - love the shadows coming off the sword; Chris West - another cartographer, and I love his texturing; Chenthooran Nambiarooran - those shadows! Awesome cloak; Adam Lane - how I wished mine looked. Very clean, lovely terrain that helps the sotry telling - just all over great.

  10. #20
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    The entries are up! Here's the page with all the contributions. Some very interesting versions on there and some interesting lessons that I can learn from. Definitely going to have a more careful look through the larger versions.

    Check them out here:

    Pieces I particularly like: Jason Jutta - lovely way of using the cloak in the vignette; Florian Stiz - nice terrain; Dana Henderson - love the shadows coming off the sword; Chris West - another cartographer, and I love his texturing; Chenthooran Nambiarooran - those shadows! Awesome cloak; Adam Lane - how I wished mine looked. Very clean, lovely terrain that helps the sotry telling - just all over great.

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