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Thread: May/June 2017 Lite challenge: Scribble Rock

  1. #91


    Thanks again Bogie

    Although the eye of the hurricane is oddly appealing as it would lend a completely surreal atmosphere to the map, and would also excuse me for not being able to draw a helicopter on the helipad (it having been blown away), unfortunately I'm all out of fallen tree symbols...

    I'll give it another go, then, and see if I can make the surf make a bit more sense

  2. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Ok. I've struggled and struggled with the waterline, and I know it just doesn't look right, but this is the best I can do, so I'm calling this done because I've reached the point where any further fiddling around with the details is going to make it worse rather than better
    The wave lines are too big Mouse, that what makes them look bad looking at whole map. Compare one to the boats you have. People in the boat must be like "holy sh.. is storm coming?"

    This is just advice for next time, try to divide waves into smaller ones. You will get there eventually.

  3. #93


    LOL! I know, Voolf. I drew a tsunami all round the island!

    Is this any better? I've gone for a minimalist approach

    Scribble Rock GIMP 06.JPG
    Last edited by Mouse; 06-11-2017 at 04:37 PM.

  4. #94


    Much better. Try to avoid doing too long perpendicular lines to coast. It does not look natural, waves don't usually form this way near coasts unless there are a lot rocks around.

    Scribble Rock GIMP 06.JPG

  5. #95


    Ah yes! I see what you mean

    I've only just logged on today, so I'll be a little while with the update on that.

    Thank you, Voolf

  6. #96


    I've done a bit of tinkering. Hope this looks better now

    I'm not going to say this is the final WIP, because whenever I say that I end up doing another one, but it might be

    ### Winner ###

    Scribble Rock GIMP 07.JPG
    Last edited by ChickPea; 09-17-2018 at 06:52 PM. Reason: Added Winner tag

  7. #97


    Yeap, that looks much better. But this can not be your last WIP, what about other waves, you still have to draw more north.

    Btw. My wife just saw this and said its beautiful. You have one more admirer

  8. #98


    Thank you Voolf - and thank you Mrs Voolf too! I greatly admire your husband's work

    Voolf - Should there be any waves to the north? They're coming from the south and hitting the island on that side only at the moment. I'm not sure it will look right if I also have them coming from the north like I did a few WIPs ago

  9. #99


    Hmm, maybe my thinking is wrong but even with that small island, waves seem to be present almost always around the land. There are exceptions of course, like for example island in a small bay, where waves would be only on the open sea side. On the other hand sea can be very calm without waves. Well do as you wish, i am not an expert in this field.

  10. #100


    Hey - you're talking to the woman who put cake icing on her island to start with! LOL! Its so obvious I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to the frothy bits of the sea, but I really like the way it is now, and that's thanks to all the good advice I've been getting from you guys!

    Thank you - all

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