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Thread: 53 - The Hustleflow Ward [Voolf]

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    That grass is certainly pretty detailed. Its like you are drawing every tuft. I didn't know you lavished such care on the details like this, but the end result is far superior to the grass in the one before it
    Yeah i do. I think i am a bit perfectionalist and just have to make everything as good as my skills let me to. It's often not good though, because if i try to do something that is way over my head and cannot achive desired effect i get frustrated and abandon the project (whatever it is).

    Quote Originally Posted by snodsy View Post
    This is looking quite lovely, really like the turf and transition to the rock ledges. The water flow/falls are well done you get a good since of movement. Maybe some cloud reflected in the glass atrium?
    That is really good idea, i will see what i can do.

  2. #2


    That grass is certainly pretty detailed. Its like you are drawing every tuft. I didn't know you lavished such care on the details like this, but the end result is far superior to the grass in the one before it

  3. #3


    Abandon the project!

    I do hope not!

    But I also understand the perfection thing. I have it myself, and I've had to learn over the years that even though I'm never really happy with my work the results of all my attempts still seem to be valued by other people, which always surprises me.

    Your maps are most definitely valued. I happen to be still quite deeply in love with your Kaherm map.

    So please never think that something isn't good enough, as its probably far better than a great many other mappers could do - me included!

  4. #4


    Thanks Mouse, appreciate it. I like my maps now too, but i remember time some years ago when i started, every single project went into garbage bin... eh old times

    Ok the map is FINISHED !, but i won't show you yet

    I have a request for my British and/or American friends. I prepared bit of history for my district, but before i paste it into map i want to be sure it's proper english. I learned english by myself most of my life and i know it is not perfect. I would appreciate help checking and correcting this:

    Hustleflow ward, locaded at northen outskirts of the Guild City, was long ago a city fortifications. Hustleflow river – of which the ward took its name – was a natural defense and was used as a moat. When the wars ended and the borders were formed, military ward started to transform into a civil sector. Battalion commander at that time, strategist Allyster Duart founded a “River Police” Academy in honor of his fallen friend, cartographer (some name here). The academy had steadily gained renown and became one of the most prestigious academy in whole country. Its graduates walk proudly around (world name - is it just The Guild World, or have accual name?) making new maps.

    Not much left after old fortifications. An old command center transformed into Council. In the center on the ward still stands Ortiga Tower, once an observatory point. In the west, barracks were changes into Hustleflow Constabulary. Vast market and entertainment district extends in the south. Along with the Compass Park, the southern sector of the ward is the most lively of all Hustleflow.
    What do you think? And thanks for correctons and advices in advance.

  5. #5


    OK - these are only SUGGESTED amendments I've left the American spelling in place as it seems to be the form of English you are more comfortable with, but I'm not sure that my very English grammar really matches it!

    Hustleflow ward, located on the northen outskirts of Guild City, was long ago part of the city fortifications. Hustleflow river – from which the ward took its name – was a natural defense and was used as a moat. When the wars ended and the borders were formed, this military ward started to transform itself into a civil sector. Battalion commander at that time, strategist Allyster Duart founded the “River Police” Academy in honor of his fallen friend, cartographer (some name here). The academy steadily gained renown and became one of the most prestigious academies in the country. Its graduates walk proudly around Guild City making new maps.

    Not much is left of the old fortifications. An old command center has beentransformed into the Council Buildings. In the center on the ward still stands Ortiga Tower, once an observatory point. The barracks in the west became Hustleflow Constabulary. There is a vast market and entertainment district extending south. Along with Compass Park, this southern sector of the ward is the most lively of all Hustleflow.
    Last edited by Mouse; 05-24-2017 at 11:40 AM.

  6. #6


    Thank you so much, now that see it i know i could avoid some mistakes ;(.

    I do actually want British english Mouse. If you don't mind . I was learnig British english form the start, but I usually hear American all the time now and it seems like i unconsciously switched

    About the walk proudly around Guild City making new maps part. I want to say that they walk around whole world not only Guild City. Should it be Guild World?

  7. #7


    The conversion is simple enough if you would prefer British English (I really don't mind). Its mostly just the spelling of certain words, like 'colour', 'defence' and 'centre'

    There are a couple of places I wasn't too sure of myself, but maybe we'll be lucky and some passing English graduate will put us both right

    EDIT: Yes - Guild World
    Last edited by Mouse; 05-24-2017 at 12:02 PM.

  8. #8


    Yes, Your humble servant pretty please

    Btw. I still rememeber 'colour' and write it this way, but te rest... its time to open my Elementary British for first graders

  9. #9


    LOL! As far as I am aware that's all there is to the conversion in this case - just the spelling of those three words.

    We may need some outside help if there are any punctuation problems. I wasn't to sure about the use of hyphens to separate the phrase 'from which the ward took its name', but my own punctuation is notoriously sub-standard, so I left it as you wrote it rather than 'correct' it with another error.

    If you want to know, I would have just used commas myself, but like I say... my punctuation is pretty rubbish, truth be known

  10. #10


    Ok, thanks again ! I haven't used a "colour" word in my text though, have i? I can't find it, but it's late and i am tired, so maybe i just can't see it.

    Hope to finish the border and labels tomorrow and post the map.

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