Quote Originally Posted by Coyotemax View Post
how did i miss this????

I love the style, it's what I've been trying to emulate for quite some time now
Thank you very much. I admit that your maps in this style - Barovia and Tarantia especially - were a great inspiration for me to try this out.

You might also be interested in checking some of the maps by Joann Bleau - **VERY** similar style, I'm pretty sure they were contemporaries. (my brain is out to lunch right now or I'd google-fu my theory)
Joan Blaeu was about a century later than Ortelius, though the style is indeed quite similar. More refined in a lot of ways... and in some ways a lot simpler.
This is a part of the Ortelius map of Europe from 1572. I've tried several ways to get the pattern for the sea, without having to draw everything by hand. I guess here I will rather settle for the Blaeu-style.